Your moms house
Your moms house
Fish and chips
You should checkout secondhand shops for anime DVDs you can get some good quality ones
❤️🔥 fire response
You can’t bring your gun
Its about personality, if you’re a shining light for people and social enough you’ll find someone!
Why should I know this? Will this help me with fixing my floorboard? Or help me at work? Missing the helpfulness of the sub in this post.
That’s the driest garlic bread I’ve ever seen!
I believe in gender equality so your opinion doesn’t matter to me
You can be forgiven for Welsh is a separate language
They are pronounced differently you say rush or lush
I ate them
The wedge
Move fast and break things (hopefully they follow court orders)
Some factors here: he’s tall and male so his energy need is greater compared to the latter. Here’s his TDEE (total daily energy expenditure) ( https://tdeecalculator.net/result.php?s=metric&g=male&age=21&kg=60&cm=180&act=1.375&f=2 ). Another factor: if he’s over eating the fat he puts on won’t be visible fat but the fat that insulates the organs.
This assumes they don’t block you for not being at home