They censure the guy who shouts the most obvious stuff the loudest.
The emperor has no clothes
They censure the guy who shouts the most obvious stuff the loudest.
The emperor has no clothes
Winter Beach? Why are you in the ocean in the winter?
Actually half winter half summer beach, very strange.
“streaming is worse than cable now” is it though?
I stream for weeks on end without a single ad, watching only what I want. I go to an older person’s house and I hear the same friggin commercial jingles, the same canned studio laughter, and shows that are designed for the stupidest common denominator.
I grew up in the era of Saturday morning cartoons. My brain was liquidified on cereal commercials. I won’t allow cable into my house under any circumstances.
But I do agree that we should learn from too easily replacing the working with the next big thing without any regulations on how the next big thing is allowed to operate
Can’t have people pointing out the emperor having no clothes