Oh yeah, Australia is an authoritarian state due to… COVID laws right? Is that what you’re referring to?
COVID death camps?.. Or something?
It’s not the man, it’s the actions.
Is that her Husband in a disguise?
“Democrats must become the workers party again now that it’s too late”
You rain loving gush bucket!
Winter is better than summer.
A “scent” meaning the chemical shit you get from stores? Or do you mean from smelling the actual live flower?
The eating bugs thing is stupid 4chan/putin propaganda to demonize the WEF who don’t really need to be demonized because they’re wealthy people… But they are nominally progressives who Putin/Trump hate, it’s also used to demonize activists like Greta Thunberg (who is often depicted saying the line in memes), because she’s an environmental activist and ibugs are seen as more environmentally sustainable than beef.
In actual fact there was just discussed and was never going to be forced on you. But the conservative propaganda now limits even talk of such exotic ideas.
It’s stupid speech limiting propaganda because everyone reading this has been eating bugs their whole life without knowing it. If you’ve ever had a glossy food anything, but most definitely candy, you’ve eaten bugs - because shellac is one of the main ways candy gets its shine, and is almost always made from crushed lac beatle shells.
So yes, you’re eating bugs like someone from the islands above Australia or below China.
I just won’t have virtues to signal.
Would have a very musky flavour.
Stuck with “grab her by the pussy” when we could have had “Seize her salad”.
Best not keep him from the war.
I do hope that this results in Europe’s leaders understanding the importance of finding a way to end the Trump regime. But he just seems so entrenched. Roy Cohn taught him well (their reluctance is understandable).
It’s going to be a long road.
Who are you referring to?
You mean, is the racoon transtemporal or transdimensional…
…i put it to you that there’s only ever been a single racoon in Germany, it’s just very fast.
Translating the link via Google Translate:
We salute the Russian Special Operations Forces, but there is a nuance
The Special Operations Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine decided to improve the educational process in enemy schools.
With the help of the Special Operations Forces specialists, a patriotism lesson was held in Russian educational institutions, where local schoolchildren congratulated the enemy units on the Day of the Russian Special Operations Forces.
And here’s what happened: the children, not knowing what the emblem of the famous Russian Special Operations Forces actually looks like, (these are the people) created a whole collection of drawings. However, they depicted the emblem of the Special Operations Forces of Ukraine.
Let’s keep working!
I never mentioned her race. I actually have a heavy redlight filter on my phone and thought it was a depiction of a Mexican woman. I said something about her height, not her race
But I agree she is depicted as super humanly short, or rather the cop is being depicted as super humanly tall - as an untouchable ubermensch.
Shorter name.