Please reread my comment slowly, word for word. See if you maybe missed something the first time.
Please reread my comment slowly, word for word. See if you maybe missed something the first time.
Go to Central America and see what you think about American cops then.
That was a good video
Oh for sure. I’m ready in case they pick me to go back in time and push human technology forward.
Other than that? I can’t think of anything, but maybe I’m ignorant.
According to this guy, some parts of African language were preserved and adapted in certain groups.
Argentina is also quite racist.
They have not admitted that it was wrong what they were doing
This is a straight up lie.
This is such a blatant lie, that I don’t even know what to say.
Brazil took over 10 times more enslaved Africans than North America. That comment is way off.
Well, as a European (i.e. good person), let me welcome you to the developed world. We’re not snobby or greedy pigs like the Americans that invented Nazis. In fact, no country in Europe has ever looked down upon another country, continent, or people. We’ve also never colonized any countries nor do we conduct joint military exercises and operations with the US, and we definitely do not benefit from the US’s foreign policy and interventions. All of our luxuries are home grown and have never been the result of our brutal exploitation of other countries that resulted in horrific dictatorships, genocides, and ongoing conflict. If I remember correctly from my free history class, we have never even been to war at all. Btw, we have real history over here. Yours only goes back 200 years and has nothing at all to do with ours. What do you guys even talk about in history classes? lol!
There is absolutely no crime here in Europe, only healthcare. The other day on our superior mass-transit system, my friend was held at stethoscope-point by a criminal that alerted him that he had a heart murmur. I actually get a free diagnosis every morning. I have like 78 km of diagnoses written on superior A4 paper. We’re also very cultured as we speak several languages, all European but still very cultured. There’s absolutely no racism or oppression. All of my roommates have been Roma, Arabic, or African. My neighborhood has scheduled to protest for more minarets all week since the government makes sure we have enough vacation days to insist on diversity.
Our food is so organic that it’s composed of only carbon. That’s it. When you go to a restaurant, the waiters pick their most European customers every metric hour and gives them money. That’s right; our waiters tip us. We recycle everything and have never contributed in any fashion to climate change, and we have never supported Putin for decades by purchasing Russian gas. We’re in no way upset that we contributed less to NATO than we agreed to, depended on the US to save our asses while we enriched Putin, and now are wondering wtf we’re going to do since we don’t have shit for a military nor our own fuel supply.
It’s about time you leave the US, who is 100% at fault for everything in the world and absolutely not an ally that serves as a scapegoat to compare ourselves against in order to distract from our bullshit.
Edit: I forgot to mention that our chocolate is superior, and there is absolutely no child labor involved anywhere in the production line.
Yeah, they paid off so many NOAA employees, that they don’t even have enough people to send up the weather balloons. Can’t even properly predict the weather since we can’t collect the data, let alone analyze it and make predictions.
Finding a flight that doesn’t serve peanuts might improve the probability of avoiding an allergic reaction, but a passenger could easily board the flight with their own peanuts. According to OP, the epi pens only give them 20 mins to get to a hospital, which is not within reach when flying over the Pacific Ocean. It might not even be within reach when flying over land considering landing procedures for an airliner.
There’s fat in bread. An only-carbs meal is basically eating straight sugar (glucose).
According to the label on the bottle, 50 x 1,400 mg soft gels of Kirkland Signature Wild Alaskan Fish Oil will hit 100% of recommended daily fat in take based on a 2,000 calorie diet, though you might eventually overdose on vitamin A (as retinol).
10:12 is when the Cajun section starts
Aside from that, I find it weird that the governor of a state has repeatedly spoken on behalf of the entire state illegitimately declaring what is and isn’t welcomed in the state. In the past, he said something about Florida is where woke goes to die. It’s a weird thing to do because the governor is the lead executive of a state government, not the cultural voice of the entire state. As far as I can tell, the state legislature decides who and what is welcomed in a state through laws. Aside from that, the population itself would be its own voice. Am I wrong? Does any other governor do that?
Disclaimer: I don’t disagree with the Andrew Tate thing, but I find it weird that a governor is making these statements.
Yo, I have no idea. I’m starting to believe that a lot of these anti-American accounts are Russian trolls. They’re so unnecessarily antagonizing and hypocritical. Of all political entities in the world to criticize someone else… Europe? EUROPE? Let’s take a look at the hypocrisy.
The US is racist!
The US had slavery!
The US supports the genocide of Palestine!
The US spends too much on military and not enough on social welfare!
The US invaded Iraq!
The US is belligerent!
The US dropped atomic bombs!
The US has terrible healthcare!
The US thinks too highly of itself!
The US is too religious!
As far as I can tell, Europe starts shit and the US is left cleaning up the mess. Then, Europe talks shit about the US for trying to fix the problems it creates while they sit over there basking in the resources they extracted. WTF is that?
Extra: Texas is stupid for wanting to leave the union!