[off topic?] Joke from the times of troubles in Ireland.
American reporter is sent to Belfast in 1972. She decides to do a ‘man in the street’ interview to get things started.
She spots a happy looking fellow sauntering down the road. He’s happy to talk. She asks about the violence and he brushes it all off.
“Belfast is as safe as any other big city. Sure, there’s a bit of bother here and there, but all in all it’s a fine place.”
She asks him what he does for a living?
“I’m a tailgunner on a bread truck.”
I was like you; I thought that I hated work and was going to spend my life doing stuff I hated.
When I did the tests in the book I was shocked to find I had talents I’d never realized.
I had never even considered the job I ended up liking.
There are all kinds of jobs out there that you’ve never heard of.