Elaine ♀ | Made in Abyss and Pikmin connoisseur | Artist
🚫 No AI is used in my process
One of the things that annoys me tech-wise is how phones are sometimes required for things that have nothing to do with calling or texting. Some sites don’t allow people to complete a registration process unless they verify their phone number. While it does not apply to my case, not everyone has enough money to cough up a thousand dollars to buy a phone.
For me, a phone is not essential. I use a PC for everything except texting and calling when I’m not at my desk. I can’t remember exactly when I got mine but I’d say around 3 years old and I barely use it. Once you’re accustomed to using a gaming PC constantly you notice how jarringly laggy phones are.
Futurama will always hold a special place in my heart
For real! Motion capture and graphics have come a long way!
Oh seat-kickers are always so annoying LMAO
Sounds like you had a great time! Where did you go?
When a female protagonist was revealed for Naughty Dog’s new game.
Aw heck yeah! Thanks for telling me this, I’ll definitely be booking it when I go there! 😃
Finding the time is more of an obstacle, but definitely New Zealand or Australia! Love flying but just thinking about the flight time is making my butt hurt haha
Luigi’s Mansion 1 is one of my all time favourite games on Gamecube. Probably a controversial opinion but I feel like the sequels don’t come anywhere near as close as the original.
Back on topic, what if someone in an Italian subreddit mentions another person named Luigi? There are many famous and infamous people with the first name.
I often get told I’m pretty and a trend I’ve noticed is that the tough and rough guys who are normally aggressive to most other people will become soft with me. It’s kind of surreal
I’m glad that I don’t use Reddit and have no intention on doing so. I remember there was a very talented artist who was wrongfully accused of using AI and banned on the art subreddit. That artist got banned even though receipts were shown to the mods proving the art was not AI, and I guess with this policy, I’d be at risk of being banned from Reddit altogether because I for sure would’ve upvoted the art if I did have a Reddit account, it was amazing.
The most common kind of art you’d see is art of peculiar creatures, often ones without any eyes, but with big gaping mouths with lips and teeth
Physics is my favourite subject, so I’d imagine there would be a lot more physicists around!
Usage of “Eh” at the end of a sentence will be the norm
Nobody would be able to play hockey, since I cannot ice skate to save my life
I have hyperthymia so the entire world would be having a constant episode of mild mania pretty much LMAO
I totally get you for having it on your list too, I’ve seen so many photos of New Zealand, and some of them almost don’t look real. I mean that in a good way, the vibe is just that sublime! Also the weather tends to be mild even in the summer so that’s cool. Only problem is the flight time…just thinking about it is making my butt hurt… 😂
Being able to see those animals in their natural habitats up close must be so captivating. Africa in general is interesting because it’s a whole other continent and things are so different. Even the trees!
Put that thing back where it came from, or so help me!
I donate to charities, mostly ones that pertain to researching serious medical conditions that currently do not have a cure.
The one at the end of Monsters Inc with the bloopers. I wish all the other Pixar films had it, it was so much fun!
Cruises aren’t for everyone! Have never been on a cruise ship but I know someone who went to the UK via ship and she got mad seasickness from it because the Atlantic ocean can be a bit angry sometimes. What’s the longest roadtrip you’ve ever done?
Awesome! I’m sure she has so many stories to tell. Which states and countries were her favourite?
It really depends!
If you’re talking latitudinally, for example, they’re 1900 miles down South, then there would be a noticable difference. If the difference was in longitude, then your view of the night sky would be delayed to them depending on the difference in time zone.
Fun fact: the visible orientation of the Moon changes depending on your latitude, with the Moon in Australia for instance appearing to be upside down!