Change isn’t necessarily impossible, but it’s really difficult and requires a huge amount of self discipline - if someone changes, they will be a standout exception rather then the norm. I urge you to consider that someone who ghosts you likely does not value you enough to be willing or able to put in the effort to change. Ghosting is deeply rude to do to anyone, and especially toward your significant other.
Take my interpretation with a mountain of salt, because I don’t know the full story. But, from what you said, it seems more likely that he reached out to you because you were a convenient backup
The only active mod got permabanned due to Reddit’s rule changes.
I don’t expect the sub will stay closed forever, though. Reddit almost certainly will install a new mod to lead the subreddit. No, if you want to truly kill a subreddit, you’ll have to destroy the subreddit’s reputation beyond what can be salvaged with a mod change