I mean, your phone has a timer feature in the Clock app.
I mean, your phone has a timer feature in the Clock app.
Protests are us being nice btw.
That’s right America. Bunch of snooty, wine-sipping, beret-wearing, frogs with their intact democracy and social safety nets are making us look like shriveled nutsacks.
He looks like early 2000s Kevin Rose aged up to pretend he’s 2020s Kevin Rose.
MFer hands the WH keys to Hitler with barely a stink or fight. Yeah, fuck that guy.
Yup, he does what his boss says first and foremost. Every now and then Putin let’s him pocket the difference.
Is ungoogeled-chromium any less skeezy? It’s not my main browser but every now and then I need a Chrome based browser or some sites just don’t work right.
If you need the cert to do your job they should compensate you (i.e. allow you to use company time). If it’s not required then I would say I’m going to accept the risks of not becoming certified as the time investment is not feasible for me. Many people provide value staying in the same role for years and advancement, if it’s a net negative to someone’s overall well-being, should be optional at the employees discretion.
I don’t think talking politics is a fireable offense but, depending on the tone, I could see it as a threat of violence. I wouldn’t call someone a “damn dirty” anything if I didn’t feel they needed at least a good slap.
He asked you this on company time? Sounds like a threat and grounds for dismissal.
Sounds like some actual common sense was applied to German law. Good to hear.
I’m not the one that was betrayed. It’s the Constitution, our fore fathers, and the millions of men and women that died for our freedom that were betrayed. None of them are here so all you can do is find forgiveness from yourself. But are you going to stand by the train tracks as an endless row of people are slaughtered or are you going to say something?
Actions speak louder than words. I trust the MAGA voter holding a sign that says “Fuck Trump” over someone that can’t be bothered to walk away from their TV or video games.
I don’t know about an exponential curve but I do think a mathematical formula could be nice to prevent politicians from tweaking the brackets. I don’t think this gets rid of any sort of irrational fear that people have about earning more yet coming out worse because of increased taxation.
It’s not a gray area at all. There’s an EU directive on the matter. If an image appears to depict someone under the age of 18 then it’s child porn.
So a person that is 18 years old, depicted in the nude, is still a child pornographer if they don’t look their age? This gives judges and prosecutors too much leeway and I could guarantee there are right-wing judges that would charge a 25yo because it could believed they were 17.
In Germany, the majority of suspects in child porn cases are minors. Valuable life lesson for them.
Is it though? I don’t know about the penalties in Germany but in the US a 17yo that takes a nude selfie is likely to be put on a sex offender list for life and have their freedom significantly limited. I’m not against penalties, but they should be proportional to the harm. A day in court followed by a fair amount of community service should be enough of an embarrassment to deter them, not jail.
And make sure you’re alive long enough to spit on their graves.
This is the way. Every bill they don’t pass is one less power grab.
I learned more about their paid services from this one post than in the last 5 years of using their browser. Not that their browser should be constantly inundating you with ads for their other services but dang.
I don’t know why they haven’t floated the idea of some kind of subscription or one-time payment (though a subscription might be just as infuriating). I’m not above paying for software and if it was a reasonable price, say $10 one-time, I’d much prefer that over it becoming the new Chrome.
There never was a literal Tea Party or MAGA Party, certain groups simply co-opted or took majority control.