It’s been crazy learning how many people never learned about the collapse of the USSR
It’s been crazy learning how many people never learned about the collapse of the USSR
That’s not really true, early firearm existed alongside bows for centuries before they became dominant.
because as crap as the US is right now, it’s got to be better than China.
It really doesn’t
Don’t worry, you’ll figure it out eventually.
I didn’t know Senator McCarthy was still alive and posting on Lemmy.
Oh definitely, such convincing “facts”
Yeah, I’m sure people will find your “Europe is actually moving in the right direction and everything is fine!” claim very convincing.
Have fun denying reality!
So money can hire people who know how to argue and advertise better?
Literally yes. As well as buying airtime and mass publication, politicians, legislation, and policy
That sounds like a skill issue.
Oh never mind, you’re a child. Well could luck winning at your video game. 👍
I mean, if you want to pretend like Europe isn’t going the same direction as the USA, you’re welcome to deny reality, I can’t stop you.
Not going to adress the ways i showed how russia medels in foreign affairs? Okay.
What are you talking about? You didn’t “show” anything. You just asserted it was true, like the Qanon conspiracy theorist you basically are asserts that the deepstate controls everything.
Then tell me why russia and china cut and spy out under sea communication cabels?
Easy. They don’t.
All of those regulation are being stripped away in Europe too, at an increasing rate. They only existed in the first place as a result of labour militancy in the pre-neoliberal era, and they started being eroded the moment that was fully crushed.
The people who control legislation don’t answer to you, and the people they do answer to don’t want them ‘tackling tax havens’ or any of the other regulations you do.
Ok. Are you going to start ranting about the deep state next? Because that’s the level of unhinged conspiracy you’re on.
That makes you behaving like xenophobic cold war American conspiracy theorist worse, not better.
Really? They sure don’t seem to be.
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but here we play by the “I asked you first” rule.
Please provide empirical evidence from an unbiased source
Which is especially relevant considering how all you have at your disposal is distractions and derailment.
Please provide empirical evidence from an unbiased source
Answer the question or admit that like all the others, you are nothing more than a debate troll.
Bahahaha. Are you literally a child?
Starting under Lenin? You have an extremely fucking rosey view of the Russian Empire under the Tsar.