That’s an AI rendering of her likeness. ;-)
That’s an AI rendering of her likeness. ;-)
Alas, we’re trying it South of the border. The review: 0/10 would not recommend. :-(
Welcome to Fedi! We’re building a new way to be socially. Dig in! If you can’t find a particular community that you want, build it, and others will add in, too. Cheers!
Yep, that’s how we roll. Others can tell you the details. I’m just an end user. On my end I can block nazi’s, or anyone I don’t like. u/universalmonk was one, acted so surprised when I blocked and didn’t want to explain why. Funny thing, if you can block someone for being an asshat, suddenly they are less encouraged to do that, and have to find a more socially acceptable way to be. Cheers.
Can someone come and do this for me and mine stuck in the US decline?
Sigh, alas, we have similar confusion/ chaos/ bait and switch behaviours, here, south of the border.
Both perspectives are helpful. Thank you both!
Alas, this is the correct path forward. FAFO, IF #47 can learn, the US might be saved by these sorts of actions, “Gentle discipline” from our long time friends and neighbors.
First sensible thing I’ve heard Ford say. Good on him. And can someone ELI5 for me, what exactly is a Progressive Conservative?
It was Bush II, the shrub, that really impressed on me the importance of maintaining plausible deniability.
Got the woolly m, just need a few more letters.
Thank you, Ms. Crockett. 14th Amendment, he should never have been allowed to run in '24. We’ve got a problem. I don’t have the solution.
Good to know that about one’s self.
Stabby stab that Romaine!!
Traitor trump is destroying the reputation, and relationships with US allies, why is anyone surprised? We need to get out of the ‘denial’ phase, and figure out what to do to stop this administration from emptying the coffers into their pockets as they destroy democracy throughout the world.
Hey friends, if you are just seeing this story, it’s nice to note that Dr. Teresa Borrenpohl in the past 24-48 hours has raised $244K from 7.9K donations and will be pursuing litigation against LEAR, Sheriff Bob, and possibly others. If you would like to help, here’s the gofundme link: https://www.gofundme.com/f/justice-for-dr-borrenpohl-fight-for-the-first
Whoopsi-doodles. Well, more spare parts on the Moon, all the same.