“On the bright side, each reentry produces a beautiful fireball–and the odds are increasing that you’ll see one. Visit the Aerospace Corporation for reentry predictions, and submit your photos here.”
🤮 🤮 🤮 🤮 🤮 🤮
Just a below average idiot that mostly comments for one of 3 reasons:
Catharsis, expressing exasperation over the general state of things.
Looking to make someone laugh.
Self deprecation.
“On the bright side, each reentry produces a beautiful fireball–and the odds are increasing that you’ll see one. Visit the Aerospace Corporation for reentry predictions, and submit your photos here.”
🤮 🤮 🤮 🤮 🤮 🤮
What they’re doing is cutting staff so hard that the departments become unable to do their jobs exactly so that you can have this argument. They’ll deny getting rid of anything, but they’ll handicap departments so much they effectively become disabled.
The most recent example being social security. They cut the staff so much that there are major concerns about if they can even continue to function over the next 30-90 days. EPA is having similar concerns. Now the IRS too (not that we love taxes or anything). Yes, ThE pRoGrAm StIlL eXiStS, but if it can’t function is it really still serving any purpose?
$60k USD as a “supervisor” of sorts in a factory, more hands on work than hands on coffee type of supervisor.
Very high cost of living where I am so that salary has me renting someones garage “apartment” to live in just so I can have some sort of a savings otherwise I’d be living paycheck to paycheck.
It’s so grey! I mean whatever you’re into, no shame here.
Your mother was a hamster! >:P
“I look forward to the mid-terms and I hope the Democrats get their heads out of their asses, because we could really use the help.”
I have no faith whatsoever that they’re going to win anything. The political persecution will be in full swing before hand and we’ll be having article after article of “xyz Democrat being investigated for (insert excuse here)”
It’s going to be Hillarys emails all over again except this time there won’t even be a grain of truth behind it. I’m honestly expecting a “red wave”
Even though there is a tsunami of hate, more than half the country is outraged and truly wants to defend those being targeted. I’m still proud of that, it’s the propaganda that affects the 30+% of the population that really sucks…
Remember: the entire population doesn’t vote. Roughly half of the voting population chooses this hatred.
It’s almost as if we don’t control the media, social media, or how other people think.
We’re stuck on this stupid train that takes directions from every idiot no matter what their direction is, like “ok now drive off that cliff!”
Not sure how powerless people change that. We’re well past the age of guillotines. At least the peasants of the past shared a common reality. With propagandists and social media we live in multiple versions of “reality” all fighting to be the “real” one…
A little late to the conversation there wired.
Match group killed most dating apps years ago when they acquired as many as possible and turned them all into tinder clones, literally removing useful features, not even including them in “premium” versions.
Hinge was the last to hold on to being “acceptable” to those that used it (I need more profile than pictures so I didn’t care for it) but I guess that’s changed now too.
Monetizing human needs never ends well… Seeking a partner is a human need and these corpo fucks know it and drooled over the prospect of exploiting it. I gave up on them a few years ago so I’m just staying single I guess.
I was wondering why the value was so low when I’ve heard Turkiye lovessss their cats. (Kinda makes me want to move there lol)
I would just say that not everyone is cut out for “advanced” jobs. There is a need for more industrial/mechanical jobs that those of us can occupy and still make a decent living.
I don’t mean that as a way to disparage other people, I’m referring to myself and people like me. I’m far too stupid for tech jobs.