6 days ago@tuxec @zygo_histo_morpheus Is “soyware” related to the pejorative “soyboy”?
he/him. from the birdsite (@Andres4NY and before that @NEGreenways).
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Trans rights are human rights.
@tuxec @zygo_histo_morpheus Is “soyware” related to the pejorative “soyboy”?
@Shimitar @whysofurious Same. Getting an enclosure that can properly use linux’s uas driver rather than the usb-storage driver is a night-and-day difference. Read the reviews and get a dedicated single-drive enclosure for like $30, and don’t overlook cooling. Sometimes an external usb fan is a better option than an enclosure with built-in fans but poor airflow.
@unexposedhazard @HelloRoot this