My former coworkers (except I don’t know it cause … Someone used the flashy thing…)
Photographer and open source software fan.
I’ve also made a few tutorials at
Webshop: where you can buy prints and other merch featuring my photos.
My former coworkers (except I don’t know it cause … Someone used the flashy thing…)
I don’t know about repeating or being able to have very long playtimes, but I do know the MIDI (.mid) file format can play songs at extremely small sizes compared to mp3 as it effectively stores the sound like music on a sheet which is played by a synthesizer. Also the MOD file format allows samples to be recorded as a sort of blend of synth and recordings.
Not exactly a dish, but a Pie or a Sausage roll followed by a Lamington.
Aternatively Tim Tams. (I’d like a chocolate biscuit. How much chocolate? Yes.)
I think they mean compatibility with old devices like 5-10 year old handheld devices that don’t get updates.
There was a period where very early digital cameras (think 1.2 megapixels) could only read up to 4 gigabyte memory cards, so camera stores had a stock of smaller cards for when people came in with ‘old faithful’ and couldn’t get the 8, 16 and 32 gig cards working with it.
I’m not sure companies want to risk a corrupted card killing all of. 2 hour recording where the practice of splitting into 4gig chunks for later reconstruction might mean only the latest 15-29 minutes of a recording is lost if corrupted.
You could go to and create your own time controls. They let you stipulate an initial time and an increment.
For example you could have a game with a 30 second time for each player and then add 15 seconds for each move after that. Increment ranges go from 0 to 180 seconds.
15 seconds plus 5 seconds per move should be doable.
I believe the time would be banked for each move rather than a hard fixed limit for each move.
You could then create a custom game open to others, or make the game available by link to a friend.
I haven’t delved into the other posts, so sorry if this is a duplication.
What if you make a post saying posts to the sub will now require manual review and as the only mod, you log in occasionally and approve posts.
Probably add some automod restrictions for comments too.
Who knows when you’ll get a chance to approve posts.