to demonstrate (politely) how quickly and quietly they can appear when we need them to. without endangering anyone or raising alarms that allow trump and co to rattle their sabers
to demonstrate (politely) how quickly and quietly they can appear when we need them to. without endangering anyone or raising alarms that allow trump and co to rattle their sabers
lets use that money to invest in green energy production in alberta to lessen dependance on global oil markets.
like the NDP tried to before the cons cut that programs years ago.
playing catch up because cons cut investments early before fruition is the funnest thing ever and makes total sense, right guys?
got banned for telling a trump supporter to go fuck himself after he joked about the 51st state among other things, im canadian. also i upvoted luigi content and got permanently banned. not just one email, but all connected emails as well.
im out. that place is a censored shithole. fuck reddit. i hope they ban all the real ones so they come here.