Not everything is black and white. Sure, it’s easier when you can label everyone an enemy or friend. That’s why the extreme right acts in the manner of ingroup and outgroups. There are people who hate, people who are disillusioned, people who have been misguided, people who have disorders, people who prefer inaction, people who prefer reaction, people who prefer change, people who prefer no change, etc. Some share values with you others do not. To quote jcole, “fuck is the point of preaching your message to those that already believe what you believe” if you want to see change you need to start figuring out the underlying reasons those on the other side believe what they believe. That will allow you to figure out how to combat those illusions that lead them off track. The uncomfortable truth is that you are more like them then you think, just because you came from an environment which allowed you the privilege to see past the bullshit doesn’t mean had you grown up in their environment you wouldn’t be just as lost as them.
It takes a few minutes to add constructive critism and point out where engery is better spent. We need decisive actions that apply the correct pressure at the correct areas if you want to see this cause material change fast as we need it. Read my other comment for how this could actually be achieved. Long story short organizing general strikes in areas where politicians and the uber wealthy aggregate effecting the luxuries they constantly are afforded and stopping the system for them could create more effect while not needing to try and get the whole country to mobilize but localized towns. Donations to local urban farms and small farms to create sustainable food sources if we were to have a general strike. Teaming up with medical providers to shut down hospitals and the like for politicians and the uber wealthy while creating popup clinics to support the locals in the areas these strikes happen would create enormous pressure without needing to try and mobilize the whole of the country.