It is difficult to claim Canada has a more robust freedom of expression in one sentence and then follow it with BAN X in the next.
It is difficult to claim Canada has a more robust freedom of expression in one sentence and then follow it with BAN X in the next.
Wow 86% that is an incredible win
You’re not familiar with modern medical technique
They are not toys but vehicles used for transportation. You know for people to live their lives. It’s examples like this why you can’t win an election and why most people do not want to support you. Good luck to you.
People posted that their vehicles are routinely vandalized and strangers act in an aggressive manner toward them. You support that and believe they deserve it. What part of that do i misunderstand?
Let me ask you a simple question. Why does America pay to build and run hundreds of military bases and military outposts all over the world? Financially why does America do that?
These trucks aren’t owned by Tesla but by private individuals who you don’t know. You just judge them on your own assumptions like racists judge people by the color of their skin. You are exactly the same.
The relationships we have with these countries aren’t sustainable. This is how our relationships work. We are their military. They buy US manufactured weapons and we build military bases on their land so if they are invaded American soldiers will be killed and the US will be forced into war. In return they have very small militaries and are able to pay for things like universal healthcare and free college for their people. Problem is the amount these countries said they would pay they don’t. Our advantages: 1. We can close the hundreds of military bases all over the world and bring our people home and stop paying to run them. 2. With the amount of money saved we can offer better services to our people(if you can get past the corruption)
It’s wrong to harass people and vandalize private property for your need for political vengeance. What does a guy driving his cybertruck to work have to do with your political positions? How did you become such terrible people?
No china’s gdp growth is actually the lowest in Asia. India, vietnam, & Indonesia are the top expected performers. Japan and South Korea will stay with the USA even if we lose the super liberal countries.
Trump obviously wants to sever those relationships and forge a new path forward. I like Europe, it’s a beautiful place, but I don’t want to live there. SUre the super liberal places hate us now EU, Canada, and UK but South Korea and Japan will stay with the US. Asia has most of the projected economic growth and that is where our future will be.
No you’re being disingenuous by attempting to change the topic we are actually discussing which was people being harassed for driving the “wrong type of electric car” by terrible people who feel justified in victimizing them. While these victimizers congratulate themselves for being “good people” which they are not.
The biden\harris administration told people to buy electric, offered tax breaks, and tax rebates for 4 years. Every car manufacturer started producing electric cars at their request. Where have you been?
Destroying people’s property is not a joke. Kicking, spray painting, throwing food at, and other forms of harassment are wrong. The last administration told everyone to “go electric” so people tried to do what they thought was right. Cars are a huge expense, people can’t " just go get another one".
Cool, everybody can build these companies up so that they can launch their IPOs and be controlled by a new board of directors fresh from wall street. It will all be so different.
You would think this is an insult to the Trump administration but it is really a testament to the inefficient chaos that is the government bureaucracy. I worked for the fed government for approximately 15 years when hundreds of coworkers and myself received letters explaining the agency had no idea who we were. We would all have to repeat our background checks and resubmit fingerprints to the FBI. Some of the people had been there for 25+ years.
Our country hasn’t “made them too poor for citizenship elsewhere” as millions still walk hundreds to thousands of miles to get here. Still more opportunity in the USA than anywhere else. Sure we live under an oligarchy but honestly who doesn’t?
If you’re an American praising potential harm to America you should reexamine why you continue being a citizen here. If there are other countries more aligned with your personal morals and values please seek citizenship there.
It’s freedom of speech. Being able to say what you want and suffer the consequences of your decisions is what it is all about.
When you say “nazi or fascist” what you really mean is anyone that disagrees with me.