Profitable is a point in favor, if you’re one of them. Strong supply chain is a point in favor, if you’re a hawk or if you think we do need defense
Profitable is a point in favor, if you’re one of them. Strong supply chain is a point in favor, if you’re a hawk or if you think we do need defense
Dick Yuengling is kind of a dick
That’s unfortunate. I always tried to getting some when I’m in the area, just because of the local history. I’m not a fan otherwise, but the brand has killer nostalgia
Google search has gotten really horrible lately - I can’t find an English recipe for this one, or even a clean enough web page to use translate. Lots of random unrelated results though
We’re talking about”left” here, all lowercase, not “LEFT”. Basic human rights and safety nets, all people created equal kind of stuff, less exploitation, that are still capitalist and democratic.
Lots of people on Lemmy seem to realize …. Too bad that’s not the real world
Not even. A lot of the “aid” is
US gets
Ten years ago, everyone was exposed to some amount of News (capitalized), could recognize News when they saw it (even as fringe case conspiracy theorists), and had a reasonable connection to reality. I’m just not seeing it anymore. There is no truth but my echo chamber
At the very least they were sane and acted in the interests of the country as they saw it. You could discuss, argue, sometimes work together, and we all went on bumbling our way forward.
There was so much hope around Obama, so much possibility, it felt like a turning point toward the future. And yes, Biden continued in them at direction.
I don’t know if it’s all backlash, or the death of traditional News, or “the algorithm”, but the reactionaries, regressives, narrow minded people with no trace of empathy not just found a voice but found an idol to worship. Who brought them to power. And being exploited just makes them cling to their worship
I think y’all are overthinking it, giving them too much credit for having a plan. For Trump it’s just narcissism and bullying. Everyone else is a grifter seeing their chance. Musk must have just read Ayn Rand
I haven’t seen any republicans here so I’ll also offer my opinion as a sane person ….
I’ll balance her out - zero most years. It doesn’t taste good enough to start adding sweetener to things
There was huge demand - if they had released what was promised for the promised price in the promised year it would have been the only EV truck, have capabilities beyond any EV car, while also being among the lowest price EVs.
I’m generally not interested in a truck but was tempted by the original announcement. However what we finally got was an easy “no”
wtf would you put that on apple pie? Pie deserves a nice sharp white cheddar
Dude, what did the Prius do to you?
I rarely use a printer now that my kids are in college. When it dies, I had a choice between laser printer, Brother inkjet, or none. “None” is now my first choice
We have great examples of things sold as parts or kits to be assembled
Take handguns as an example. If a murder weapon can be assembled from parts with only the frame 3d printed, and avoid similar laws for traceability, surely a printer is an easier task
What happens if sms 2fa is phased out, and more sites require either an Authenticator app or passkey?
My workplace requires an Authenticator app, actually multiple, and help with my phone bill in return for doing that in my personal device. I don’t know what they do if someone had a feature phone
I went here as well, but managed to turn it around. I now have more belief in America being a great country, but as an ideal, as something we need to work hard toward. I’ve become a lot more progressive as I see what it would take to live up to this myth about ourselves. Let’s do it. Let’s do it for our children, for the next generation, for a better world tomorrow! Lets start small and local, be the neighbor you thought you had, show the empathy we all deserve, make America a Community again
If you’ve seen anything about Matter, it most likely talks about Thread as well. They usually go together
Iceland. My kid took a geology class and was excited about Iceland. This is actually college: he never got his passport so I said, “sure I’ll take you if you apply for your passport”