Interesting. I will check it out. ST: TNG is the only Star Trek I’ve enjoyed, and I have watched only a few full episodes, like a century ago, so I was gearing for a rewatch anyway.
Interesting. I will check it out. ST: TNG is the only Star Trek I’ve enjoyed, and I have watched only a few full episodes, like a century ago, so I was gearing for a rewatch anyway.
It’s a reference to Tool’s “Rosetta Stoned”. Its protagonist tells a wild story how on a drug trip he met some wise aliens who shared some very important message with him. But sadly he forgot his pen, so he couldn’t write it down, and forgot all. Consequently, like your partner, he came back pretty pissed off (or soiled, you might say).
But hey, getting secret alien knowledge on how to play the flute is still a positive, so good for your guy.
meeting wise aliens and disappointedly coming back to this stupid life.
Did he also happen to forget his pen?
I think that’s what they’re saying
Well, that was a good watch, and I definitely hadn’t watched this exact one! Thanks, internet stranger, you might have just rekindled my love of TNG. Now, on to some other episodes, this time in order.