Thanks! I’ll read through this and watch the videos tonight
Thanks! I’ll read through this and watch the videos tonight
They’re definitely a thing in the US
I really like my lodge cast-iron one, but when I’ve used stones they seem to work just as well for New Haven style
It’s not great but ‘bad car names’ is a whole genre, one that vw in particular excels at. These are the guys that brought you the “Tiguan”. Look it up, that’s not some fancy Spanish word or something, they literally just jammed the words “tiger” and “iguana” together and thought that it’d be the perfect name for their new mom-car.
I’m listening. Have any recipe suggestions?
Some jerk posted Escape from the Prison Planet by Clutch on lemmy somewhere awhile back and now it’s been stuck in my head for three months straight
Not quite right!!
Hell, might as well go for three. Keep em comin
It’s so awesome seeing all these new people here bailing from reddit. Welcome!
And if you’re really feeling lazy, cook up some ravioli, put it in the skillet with the meat sauce, cover it with mozzarella, and throw it in the oven for a few minutes. Voila! Psuedo-lasagna
Homemade flour tortillas are unbelievably good though. I don’t know what it is that makes them taste so different from storebought, but it makes all the difference.
I don’t have the tools or energy to make my own either though :/
Yeah that’s basically all I used it for over the last year anyway. Any product on Amazon that isn’t junk probably has it’s own site in my experience
This is great and all, but here’s a bonus challenge: don’t use Amazon ever fucking again!
Do it and you’re cool!! Even though I haven’t used it in awhile, I have the app downloaded. I’m going to uninstall it as soon as I post this comment.
Shaft-drive bicycles are a thing too. That might be easier for an ancient blacksmith to tackle?
Edit: or to at least get a proof of concept you could bypass the whole torque-transmission issue by building a penny-farthing
It is pretty boring alone, after all.
True, I love skiing and boarding but I have to be with people or I just get bored
Ah yeah, the pizza. Those should only be relied on to stop you on bunny hills and in lift lines. Your intuition is right that there’s a limit to how effective those can be.
Ironically though, the “way to make it easier” is the same technique that snowboarders have little choice but to learn from the start: turn until you’re going across the hill instead of down, because like snowboards, skis only tend to slide down when they point down. Then you make "S"s down the hill to maintain the speed you want, shallow “S” for speed, wide, traversing “S” to stay slow. You can commit to hold a turn until you’re completely sideways and come to complete stop, whether you’re pizzaing or not. No competent instructor would let let their students off the bunny hill until they can turn well enough to control their speed, so I’m really sorry that you found yourself in a situation where you had no control.
with the trauma I have, I’m not sure I’ll want to give it another try.
I don’t blame you for not wanting to try again, and I don’t mean to push you to because there’s millions of ways to entertain yourself on this big blue rock. For what it’s worth though, I’ve taught dozens of “first time” lessons where it wasn’t actually their first time, they confessed to me before we started that they tried skiing once years prior, had a bad experience, and only after years and years were convinced by someone they trusted to give it another shot. I’m proud to say that every single one of these students had changed their mind by the end of the lesson. So if you find a good, psia certified instructor and go one-on-one or in a small group, I bet that you’d have better luck. I promise, once it clicks for you that turning=control, the mountain just opens up.
That’s wild, I only got hit once months ago. She must really have the hots for you.*wink wink *nudge nudge