Fuck y’all. I chose to not go to college and went with a lower paying career field as a trade off for lower earning potential. Using the tax dollars I’ve paid over the years to help eliminate the negative trade off everyone else chose to take on when they went to college is crap.
Cool story man. Let’s all do the same thing. Let’s hope we never need a doctor or a civil engineer
Those jobs pay in reflection of college and it’s debts. Time and costs in exchange for six figure salaries.
This comic is based on pretty childish thinking. Repaying student loans isn’t a cure. It’s making everyone else pay the price (either through inflation, through rising education costs, or through direct tax later).
Second, cancer isn’t a choice–student loans are.
More accurately would be: I’m going to be so upset if I have to suffer even a little again to help everyone else make up for their bad decisions.
Imagine being this brainwashed. You know where higher education is free? Pretty much the entire civilized world. Guess whether 'murican taxes compare favorably or unfavorably against that?
Besides your ad hominem attacks you changed the whole point of the discussion. “Free” is not the same as asking everyone to pay for anyone’s college education.
Usual 'murican take. Do you use roads? Do you use clean water? I would ask about public transit, but you’re a 'murican, so I already know the answer to that is “no”.
Everyone already pays for the State to exist. Civilized countries use that money to benefit all citizens through free higher education, free healthcare, free public transportation, etc. The US uses that money to kill children in the middle east and to bail out huge corporations.
It’s a false assumption that because that is the way things are that it is the way things ought to be, and that they couldn’t be arrived any other (much less any better way).
This is a pretty typical response to any limitations on government–“but who will build the roads?”
There are two basic problems
1st: Your unwritten implication is that if government does these basic things then it must necessarily assert even bigger economic control–such as higher education–which is a false deduction.
2nd: You imply that only the government can do these things or that government does it best. Also a false deduction. Practical experience says otherwise.