The thing about arresting and cracking down on protesters is that more people are going to get pissed off/inspired, and they’re just gonna have bigger and bigger protests. As they should.
I hope some groups are tracking arrests so no one gets forgotten in the system.
If the idiots in charge try to pull another Kent State or a US Tiananmen, the powder keg will blow, and we’ll be past the point of no return.
Originally commented by u/Horsetoothbrush on 2025-03-05 10:42:26 PM
(mg9sgqc)The lemmings that are cops don’t understand they can stand up against the ridiculous requests of Dump in office. Otherwise they are on track to become the same as the nazi party like German authorities did.
Originally commented by u/transandtrucks on 2025-03-05 11:48:37 PM
(mga29xt)Bringing shame to the NYPD. Hang your heads low thin blue, you’re the bad guys when you follow these directives. You’re supposed to be the public’s first line of defense, not the private oppressor army of the wealthy.
Originally commented by u/IronBeagle63 on 2025-03-05 11:21:29 PM
(mg9yehi)Is this the article?
No mentions of arrests. Just separating two groups
Originally commented by u/nreed3 on 2025-03-05 11:19:45 PM