I was sad for like the first 6, in a “Dammit, you poor little bastards, you didn’t have to die, you just couldn’t live here.”
After that? I rejoiced when I’d hear a mousetrap snap shut.
There’s only so much skittering in the ceilings a sleep-deprived man can take before murderous rage replaces animal empathy. I thought we’d rid ourselves of all of them three times now. Each time, a few months past and the fucks are at it again. The landlord has tried an exterminator - though I use the term lightly, as all he did was put down some poison bait. Not sure if it worked.
It seems to be a local problem, though. Just the other day I found dead mice on the sidewalk several streets away, too far to be our’s. C’est la vie.
I was sad for like the first 6, in a “Dammit, you poor little bastards, you didn’t have to die, you just couldn’t live here.”
After that? I rejoiced when I’d hear a mousetrap snap shut.
There’s only so much skittering in the ceilings a sleep-deprived man can take before murderous rage replaces animal empathy. I thought we’d rid ourselves of all of them three times now. Each time, a few months past and the fucks are at it again. The landlord has tried an exterminator - though I use the term lightly, as all he did was put down some poison bait. Not sure if it worked.
It seems to be a local problem, though. Just the other day I found dead mice on the sidewalk several streets away, too far to be our’s. C’est la vie.