Hey all,
Trying to find a Canadian brand of toothpaste, or at the very least, a brand of toothpaste that isn’t American.
Crest, Colgate, Sensodyne, and Arm & Hammer are all American brands from what I can tell. I already found a Canadian brand called Green Beaver, but they’re one of those “natural” companies that for some reason thinks putting flouride in toothpaste is bad, and I really don’t want to give any money to a company that continues to deny science at this late date.
Thanks in advance!
While it was originally an American brand, Sensodyne’s parent company got bought by a British company in 2000, then spun off into another British company through corporate restructuring in 2022. It’s not Canadian, but it’s at least not American-owned.
Thanks for sharing! I’m on my last tube of toothpaste and have been looking arouns at bulk options, for some reason just assumed sensodyne was American.
Much appreciated!
Attitude. Fairly easy to find (we get it from well.ca mostly) and they have a wide range of good products. Toothpaste being one of them.
Wow thank you for this! I know what I’m getting next time.
Thanks! Will keep an eye out for them!
Baking soda can totally be used as toothpaste.
I’m from USA, so I don’t know of Canadian alternatives, but it just works.
Thanks for trying to help, it is appreciated, but just about all baking soda here is Arm & Hammer brand which is imported from the U.S. unless you order the baking soda online from another company, and I personally prefer going to the store for stuff like this rather than doing online purchases.
Sensodyne is owned by Haleon, a British company. I’m still also looking for a good Canadian toothpaste…
You can buy bottles of fluoride gel from certain dentists, I had a 500ml bottle after cancer treatment, just mix it with Green Beaver.
While external fluoride is good, kids swallowing too much flouride via paste and flouridated water has shown a softening affect on bones and can alter tooth colour.
Also lookup fluoride toxicity and neurology, it’s nasty if ingested.
Thanks! I’ll be sure to do that!
Also hope everything is well for you and that it’s in full remission!
It’s not the cheapest by any stretch but I’ve seen Green Beaver Brand in quite a few stores https://greenbeaver.com/ They do quite a few hygiene related products.