The short answer is our legal system was not designed to withstand the stress the ultra rich can put on it as a result a lot of laws were over turned.
Im on mobile so it’s hard to type and explain in more depth.
And that’s only one facet.
But there are good things in the world too. And there are people fighting for what’s right. It’s easy to slip into despair but as mr rogers use to say
When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, 'Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping
The short answer is our legal system was not designed to withstand the stress the ultra rich can put on it as a result a lot of laws were over turned.
Im on mobile so it’s hard to type and explain in more depth.
And that’s only one facet.
But there are good things in the world too. And there are people fighting for what’s right. It’s easy to slip into despair but as mr rogers use to say