D4 make excellent caltrops. Especially if they’re metal.
People joke about stepping on Legos, but a stray D4 is an actual health hazard.
Behold, the ‘pill’ D4 die!
There’s a variant of this that’s a D2 and I have several.
And if you think the D4 is bad, wait until you see the set of odd-numbers dice.
Also I have a D1. It’s a Mobius Strip.
I have a D2 in my pocket. It’s called a coin.
This post brought to you by the D12 Propaganda department
I use 12 sided d4s, they’re fantastic. I wish more metal dice sets would embrace non-pyramid shaped d4s (really all dice types in general I just prefer the heft of metal dice)
12 sided d4 are for people who hate math.
Just use a d20 and count by 5s
D4s confirmed for madness
What if D4 is used by characters that have low luck stats
…as caltrops?
Sucks to be you, I guess?
I mean, that’s the literal meaning of low luck, right?
You can pry my caltrops out of my cold, dead, 1d4-2 hands.
Triangle Agency mainly uses d4s!
They’re the oldest type. The royal game of ur uses pyramids for base 0 d2s