I do not believe conservatives are mad at or hate transexuals
I do believe, however, Conservatives don’t really care what you do on your own. Most disagree with transexuals in general, but most also aren’t interested in bossing you around.
I believe your question presumes wrongly that conservatives are spending their days obsessively looking for ways to control or cause either direct or indirect harm to you. They’re not.
The only things they are not really okay with and won’t allow you to do is pushing your views on them.
I understand they will be okay if you don’t ask them to change the facts on your birth certificate (yes, conservatives see what is in there as facts, you can disagree, but that’s how they see it)
I believe conservatives will be mostly okay if you don’t try to pass laws that punish them for not getting on board with your chosen views.
Same as well with using the state apparatus, taxpayer money, to use public schools to push your views.
They would probably be okay with consenting adults being free to dress in whatever way they want and do whatever they want to their own bodies.
However they would be also expecting to not be compelled in any way whatsoever to play along.
Again, that would mean no laws would be made to compel people to use pronouns or any other language they believe to be untrue.
Most surely, they would like that, In the same vein as dressing up differently doesn’t give you access to opposite sex bathrooms, getting surgical procedures done on yourself wouldn’t also give you access to the bathrooms of the opposite sex.
Very probably, In an ideal conservative world, transition surgery would be categorized as an elective cosmetic surgery, and advertised as such.
I do not believe conservatives are mad at or hate transexuals
I do believe, however, Conservatives don’t really care what you do on your own. Most disagree with transexuals in general, but most also aren’t interested in bossing you around.
I believe your question presumes wrongly that conservatives are spending their days obsessively looking for ways to control or cause either direct or indirect harm to you. They’re not.
The only things they are not really okay with and won’t allow you to do is pushing your views on them.
I understand they will be okay if you don’t ask them to change the facts on your birth certificate (yes, conservatives see what is in there as facts, you can disagree, but that’s how they see it)
I believe conservatives will be mostly okay if you don’t try to pass laws that punish them for not getting on board with your chosen views.
Same as well with using the state apparatus, taxpayer money, to use public schools to push your views.
They would probably be okay with consenting adults being free to dress in whatever way they want and do whatever they want to their own bodies.
However they would be also expecting to not be compelled in any way whatsoever to play along.
Again, that would mean no laws would be made to compel people to use pronouns or any other language they believe to be untrue.
Most surely, they would like that, In the same vein as dressing up differently doesn’t give you access to opposite sex bathrooms, getting surgical procedures done on yourself wouldn’t also give you access to the bathrooms of the opposite sex.
Very probably, In an ideal conservative world, transition surgery would be categorized as an elective cosmetic surgery, and advertised as such.