Given the recent news about Plex soon charging for remote access, I wanted to finish up my switch to Jellyfin.
What tools/methods have you all used to migrate watch history to Jellyfin?
I have a few family members in there, and would like to get everything switched over without resetting their watch history.
Just buy the lifetime Plex Pass before the price hike and you’re golden.
I thought about it, but remote access is just something I use so rarely that it doesn’t seem worth the cost to me.
Also I really distrust anything ‘lifetime’, historically those don’t work out very well on most services.
Bad advice to be paying them after they chose to go this route IMHO
Agreed. It encourages that behavior.
Yeah, at this point they just think we are stupid as, as if they were taking a huge toll with the bandwidth by capping the remote playback option… They are not hosting the files ffs.
I don’t agree. They’re only affecting people who haven’t been paying and it’s an excellent service. They’re even giving you a heads up so you’re not caught offgaurd. It’s not even 9 months of Netflix and it’s valid for lifetime. If you can’t afford it, that’s one thing. If that’s the case move to JF and move on. I find Plex is very much worth the cost.
Pay even more money for the inferior product. Good advice.
Crying about a non-issue isn’t exactly going to change anything is it? Plex is an awesome service or you wouldn’t have been using it.
And people are switching to jellyfin…
I’m not using it. I’m a pirate, why would I pay some corp for the privilege? That’s just stupid.
“just give the bully more money and he’ll stop bullying”
Bully lol. Such hyperbole.
It’s quite similar scenario. This service is getting shittier to use, so you recommend paying more
It’s not getting shittier, they’re just asking for you to pay because you haven’t been paying. If anything, the service is improving. I paid once and never have to pay again and I’m saving a ton by not needing to pay for Netflix, Disney+, Hulu, Paramount, AppleTV etc. etc.
Well, the addition of Plex Movies and Live Channels is certainly shittier.
What’s the reason for $120 to stream my local files to a friend or family member? What exactly does Plex do in this process that would warrant a cost?
pay the license costs for the codecs your using…
granted… none of us care about that. but thats what they’re doing. also developement on the software (for good and bad)
Doesn’t the player itself handle the codecs, not the Plex Media Server?
Since Plex is distributing software that can re-encode video, the codecs that comes with the software must be licensed for many of the codecs.
Here’s an article that covers some of the shenanigans around h264… Now realize there’s at least a dozen others as well that are likely just as screwy.
Their default Movies and Live Channels are bad, but that’s not why we’re using Plex right?
$120 is to support the platform and it provides the option to download movies/tv shows locally and allows for Transcoding to name but 2 benefits. It’s also got clients for pretty much every device out there.
If you can’t afford $120 for life then that’s too bad. Move to JF.
I’m still confused. Plex isn’t hosting any of my files, so why would remote users downloading them cost Plex anything? If they Direct Stream, there’s no transcoding involved. And if transcoding is involved, and I am not paying for Plex Pass, doesn’t that just happen directly on my server? I don’t see any reason why Plex is charging for my server doing work. Bizarre.
They aren’t charging users to cover their costs to stream your data from your server. It’s to help them with their developper costs. Transcoding is something your server does and it’s only unlocked with Plex Pass so if you don’t have that, you can’t use it anyway. I have only 4k movies so if I want to watch them at any resolution smaller than 4k, I need transcoding which was the primary reason I got the pass. They can also proxy your connection in case you have issues connecting directly so they are somewhat using their own resources for that. They offer a great service at a very low price, much lower than Netflix and it’s much better. Everyone that connects to my plex server love the experience so it’s well worth it for me. If it’s not worth it for you, that’s cool. Use something like JF and then deal with a lack of device support and any other issues that come with JF. I hear it’s a also a great service but I also hear there are more issues with JF than Plex so I’m happy with Plex.
It is getting shittier. I paid for Plex for years and I bailed not because of the cost, (I pay Emby now), but because of the bloat they keep shoving into it, spying on our content, and removing features entirely.
BuT I wAnT mY fRrrreEeeeEEeeee
These whiny people should stay with Plex if only to save FOSS devs the headache of dealing with them. They aren’t going to support them either.
(Thanks for helping clarify)
That would probably work, until Plex decides to introduce another subscription tier on top of the lifetime license, and/or demand more money from its paying users. I could totally see them doing that