Close the loopholes. Tax the loans they take out as income. Then add an inequality tax that scales based on the difference between their total compensation vs that of the lowest paid employee or contractor in their company and any related companies, with an additional modifier to penalize layoffs. Make it impossible to get rich without raising everyone else up with you.
Close the loopholes. Tax the loans they take out as income. Then add an inequality tax that scales based on the difference between their total compensation vs that of the lowest paid employee or contractor in their company and any related companies, with an additional modifier to penalize layoffs. Make it impossible to get rich without raising everyone else up with you.
Take 1% of stocks, bonds, and any other registered securities, annually.
Have the IRS liquidate it slowly over time, so that IRS sales represent no more than 1% of total traded volume.
Exempt the first $10 million held be a natural person. No exemptions for artificial “persons” like corporations.
Including something for being a monopoly or pushing out other business, property owned, etc would be great as well.