The group that drafted a key blueprint for Donald Trump’s second term convened a meeting in Washington D.C. this week to consider proposals for bulldozing the European Union (EU).
The Polish investigative outlet VSquare revealed that the Heritage Foundation gathered hardline conservative groups on 11 March to hear how they would overhaul the current structures of the EU.
The “closed-door workshop” featured a debate on a new paper produced by the lobby groups MCC and Ordo Iuris entitled: “The Great Reset: Restoring Member State Sovereignty in the 21st Century”.
They reallllllllllllly hate unions
Weird they dislike the ECB and the European Union, they give us bangers like bank bail-ins and CBDC, to deal with their strangulation of productivity investment and diminishing living standards.
To demonstrate my skepticism towards the Europeans’ ability to leave behind their zombie banking system, unmarketable debt, and complete dependence on suppressing price discovery - consider the following policy reactions orchestrated by the European Central Bank (ECB) since the 2008-09 crisis:
• European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF)
• European Financial Stabilisation Mechanism (EFSM)
• European Stability Mechanism (ESM)
• Outright Monetary Transactions (OMT)
• Long Term Refinancing Operation (LTRO)
• Long Term Refinancing Operation II (LTRO)
• Long Term Refinancing Operation III (LTRO)
• Tripartite Committee consisting of ECB, IMF, EC agreement (TROIKA)
• Forced austerity and bailouts of Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece, Spain
• Activation of FED USD Swap Lines
• Asset Purchase Program (APP)
• Corporate sector purchase programme (CSPP)
• Public sector purchase programme (PSPP)
• Asset-backed securities purchase programme (ABSPP)
• Covered Bond Purchase Programme (CBPP)
• Covered Bond Purchase Programme II (CBPP)
• Covered Bond Purchase Programme III (CBPP)
• Pandemic Emergency Purchase Programme (PEPP)
• Quantitative Easing (QE)
• Zero Interest Rate Policy (ZIRP)
• Negative Interest Rate Policy (NIRP
ok so let’s do these quickly:
- declare the AfD unconstitutional in Germany
- make Marine Le Pen ineligible in France
- destitute Viktor Orban in Hungary
Great plan! I’ll tell all my EU family to vote for you—haha
I like this list. Should have been done already. Especially Le Pen and Orban—they have been on our radar for so long it’s absurd how they’ve been allowed to fester. AfD needs to go. I also am extremely skeptical and have my eye on Sahra Wagenknecht with her praise of Putin.
Sovereign countries have the right to remain sovereign and defend against foreign and domestic interlopers who wish to end their sovereignty. I’m rooting for you and if I gets bad enough I hope I can be allowed to lend myself to your fight.
Romania already banned its fascist candidate. The others should do the same
Hi, question: how many people here first checked credibility of the media involved? Don’t worry, they seem legit, I am really just wondering because I quite recently found out that not many people really checks the sources when news like this appear. Please vote: “I checked” = upvote, “I didn’t check” = downvote. Thank you.
I know they’re a good source, because I also subscribe to ! :)
I just came to shit on the Heritage Foundation, regardless of the veracity of the headline. Can I stay?
Hmmm… Okay you can stay ;P
The Heritage Foundation is a treasonous organization. They need to be stopped. I fail to understand how Project 2025 isn’t outright sedition, and it should’ve been treated that way by Biden.
It’s been clear to anyone who read it that P2025 planned to dismantle the government and shred the constitution. If they were left leaning, the FBI would’ve been so far up the Heritage Foundation’s ass, they would’ve been looking through their eyes like a Scooby doo painting.
It’s the whole “they go low, we go high” mantra of liberals.
While in reality they’re going nowhere but the hotel bar.
I am truly, honestly and in all seriousness scared. I have already sought professional help, have my First Session tomorrow but i must say… The Things that Happen These days worry me to a Point where i am truly afraid of the Future.
Ive never been more worried in my life. Not for myself so much, I’m older so i won’t have to live that long in their authoritarian future. I’m extremely worried about my 25 year old son, and my 3 year old niece. This will be their world.
It is really affecting my son, who is losing hope, and so are his friends. They don’t see a future of freedom and pride in their country. My son made friends from all over the world when he was in college, and even they are worried about the future of the world with a Nazi regime in America.
If there isn’t a Musk file on me yet, there will be, and eventually the list will reach my name. I’ve been thinking about what would radicalize me beyond propagandizing on Lemmy (now that im permabanned from Vichy Reddit after 12 years and nearly a million karma for anti-Trump posts), and all patriotic, loyal Americans should be thinking about it, too. I have to stick around as long as possible for my wife and son, but if something were to happen to them, especially my son, then I’ve got nothing to lose, and it’s on, and i go full on guerilla warfare.
No more doomscrolling for you. Spend time with real people face to face, and you’ll feel the difference within a week.
Head-in-the-sand strategies wont work, you’ll just pull your head out to a worse situation. It’s better to learn to put your fear and anxiety to use, keeping the treason of these Nazis in front of the entire world. Make them know how despised they are in decreasing polls. Resist everything they are doing, and encourage your friends. Apply Malicious Compliance wherever possible. Keep the pressure on your government officials. Recent town halls for both Republicans and Democrats have been heavily attended by EXTREMELY angry citizens. They need to know how angry we are, and how immensely outnumbered they are.
Lean into your worrying, transform it into anger, and let that fuel your resistance.
If the situation really is that bad, you’ll hear about it without any doomscrolling. If you don’t come across a topic in normal casual conversations or by reading papers in a library, it’s probably not actually that urgent.
There’s so much unnecessary doom and gloom floating around on mainstream social medias that I can’t really consider them a healthy option for news consumption.
I AM hearing about it without doomscrolling. Do you watch ANY news, or any other media?
This isn’t just Liberal propaganda, these people are really dismantling our government at a record pace, and they are deliberately doing it recklessly to cause the most chaos. Not only can we NOT avoid it, we SHOULDNT avoid it. We need to turn our fears and worries into white-hot anger at what these MAGATurd Nazis are doing to our nation, and the world.
It’s serious, so you should act accordingly. Stay strong. Just participate and influence your future. Use whatever means you are comfortable with.
I understand where it comes from, but I think this is just bad advice. We cannot encourage people to ignore what is happening.
There are healthier ways to stay informed. Doomscrolling has a tendency to cause intense emotions that probably aren’t very helpful during a time when staying focused is important. People shouldn’t ignore what’s happening. Instead, they should try to fix the problem. Unnecessary anxiety and fear is just counterproductive.
Yes, they want you like that, like a scared little middle class, who just wants to work for a corporation, watch some sports and go skiing.
You’re not allowed to go out alone. At least take a few Nazis with you.
The ”everything is a russian conspiracy” theory seems more plausible every day…
Because it is. And everybody denying it is a complete idiot.
If you think everything that’s happening in Europe and the US is perpetrated by the Russians, that’s honestly more of an easy way of pretending an ‘other’ outside of the country is responsible, not anyone in the country itself.
Wilders, despite also supporting Russia, is a 100% Dutch phenomenon (starting with Fortuyn at least). These types will use any power they have to attain as much power as they can get; in the Netherlands (with the Dutch electoral system), that’s a bit more difficult than in Hungary. To attain more power, it’s a good idea to have some scapegoat you can make people scared of and rail against constantly: muslims, asylum seekers, recently trans folks. You don’t need ‘Russia’ to explain these authoritarian attacks on minorities.
It’s a form of scapegoating itself, actually, despite there still actually being truth to Russian disinformation and destabilisation campaigns, of course. At the same time, it overinflates Russian abilities, though Romania is worrying.
I disagree with the ‘Russian conspiracy’ nonsense anyway, especially when it comes to Trump. I suppose that makes me ‘a complete idiot’.
Putin’s control over Trump, Musk, and entire world-wide rise of the far-right is well-established, with the evidence in the wide open. Trump and Musk had numerous personal meetings with Putin during the Biden administration, and it is clear the these two FOREIGN Sociopathic Oligarchs with no loyalty or patriotism to America, have partnered up with the most prolific traitor in American history. They dont see the potential for greatness and morality that America has always promised, they only see a rich, fat, lazy nation that will be easy to exploit for their own personal benefits.
Putin and Russia are obviously behind all of this, and denying it will only make it easier for them to progress further, and eventually succeed.
To be honest, the entire idea that you could use a loose cannon like Trump as an agent is pretty stupid by itself. The man doesn’t have a clue in the morning what he’ll be saying in the evening. The ‘evidence’ is one guy, as far as I’ve gathered, but feel free to make the case.
Outside of ‘the evil Russians rule the world’, there are plenty of reasons for the way Trump is acting. I think what we’re seeing is more a return (or an attempted return, anyway) of 19th/early 20th century thinking in spheres of influence, where Trump thinks it’s alright that Russia ‘gets’ Ukraine as part of its sphere of influence, if America gets Canada and Greenland. Whether it’ll actually work this way is another question, of course (I have doubts that it will). We don’t know how Trumps presidency will develop in the end, though. I wouldn’t be surprised if Trump actually will end up getting mad at Putin if he doesn’t play by his rules.
Note that I’m not denying Russia attempts to disrupt western political processes, just that they are so murderously successful to even have an American president as their puppet. That the US has elected such an idiot president, is entirely their own fault (as is Wilders in the Netherlands).
The point is to destabilise. And a grandiose idiot like trump is very useful indeed on that front.
You don’t understand Putin’s strategy. Controlling America would be great, but he doesn’t have to control it, he just has to throw it into chaos, so that its outsized influence in the world is destroyed. Then they can establish a new world order in which Sociopathic Oligarchs run the world instead nations. If they succeed, every Sociopathic Oligarch becomes his own little King, free from the restrictions of his nation’s laws. That’s why every billionaire is on board, and why we should prohibit billionaires, if we even survive this.
In 1997, Alexander Dugin published Foundations in Geopolitics, which has become the Russian playbook. It is taught at the Russian Officer’s School, and Putin keeps a copy in his office. Dugin is a highly influential advisor to Putin. His daughter rose to be an extremely influential member of the Russian Intelligence agency. She was killed by a car bomb few years ago, which as meant for her father, who was saved when he went back to retrieve his umbrella.
Foundations of Geopolitics describes how Russia can become the dominant world influence without firing a shot. Each geographical region of the world has its own plan. For America, the plan is:
Russia should use its special services within the borders of the United States and Canada to fuel instabilty and separatism against neoliberal globalist Western hegemony, such as, for instance, provoke “Afro-American racists” to create severe backlash against the rotten political state of affairs in the current present-day system of the United States and Canada. Russia should "introduce geopolitical disorder into internal American activity, encouraging all kinds of separatism and ethnic conflict, social, and racial conflicts, actively supporting all dissident movements - extremist, racist, and sectarian groups, thus destabilizing internal political processes in the U.S. It would also make sense simultaneously to support isolationist tendencies in American politics.
Sound familiar? It perfectly describes the growing divisions in this country in the 21st century. How can you call this a coincidence?
Of particular interest is the very first line: “Russia should use its special services within the borders of the United States…” What does that mean? What “special forces” had Russia planted in America in 1997, when this book was published. We now know that the FBI was aware of Russian moles in America as early as 2000, but these people were quietly placed in sensitive positions to get access to information. They weren’t the kind of “special forces” intended to sow chaos.
OTOH, Trump was a friend to the Russians since 1987, when he visited SOVIET Russia, and was given the designation Agent Krasnov. Soon after that visit, he began parroting Russian propaganda talking points and laundering money for Russian Oligarchs/Mobsters. It is likely that Agent Krasnov was at least one of the “special forces” referred to.
Now he is president again, and this time he came into office prepared with a plan - Project 2025. Our government is being systematically and recklessly dismantled, and we are quickly careening toward chaos. The day the first Social Security payment is missed, which will be soon, America will come apart at the seams.
It all fits the plan for America in The Foundation of Geopolitics. We saw how he was a supplicant to Putin during his first term, and we know Trump and Musk were both in close contact with Putin during the Biden years. We know that nearly everyone in Trump’s orbit during his first term (Flynn, Manafort, et al) were so involved with the Russians that many went to prison for what essentially amounts to treason. All of that, and much more, and you still think Trump’s connections to Putin/Russia are doubtful?
Polish your Critical Thinking Skills, and hone your Google-Fu. You need to do more research.
Polish your Critical Thinking Skills, and hone your Google-Fu. You need to do more research.
You need to talk to people in a less condescending manner. I explicitly asked for more information (‘feel free to make the case’) and laid out an alternative explanation, there’s nothing ‘uncritical’ about that. I haven’t a clue what ‘Google-Fu’ is supposed to mean. I get my information from reputable Dutch and German newspapers.
How can you call this a coincidence?
You’re putting words in my mouth, but I will believe current developments in the US are the result of the Russians if a causative relationship has been established.
Again, I don’t doubt these are the aims of the Russian government, but Russian campaigns are probably fuelling processes that were going on in the US anyway. In the Netherlands, Russians don’t really need to do anything as indigenous racist elements like Wilders have it easy enough as is to harnass these underlying discomforts with ‘the other’, whatever form they may take. Attacks against Turkish immigrants (‘guest workers’) happened in the seventies, there always was an underlying current.
This is all of a completely different order than the claim I’ve been hearing often, that Trump is a literal Putin agent, and I don’t buy it. The agent Krasnov claim came from one guy, as far as I know. Not very convincing, but this what I was actually referring to when I said ‘feel free to make a case’, as I haven’t found this to be very convincing - and I especially haven’t seen convincing evidence.
We saw how he was a supplicant to Putin during his first term, and we know Trump and Musk were both in close contact with Putin during the Biden years. We know that nearly everyone in Trump’s orbit during his first term (Flynn, Manafort, et al) were so involved with the Russians that many went to prison for what essentially amounts to treason. All of that, and much more, and you still think Trump’s connections to Putin/Russia are doubtful?
I didn’t, as I’m Dutch and I dislike following American news. I’ve heard it indeed seems to be the case that Russian narratives work well in the Trump camp. Still, I’m quite sure that if Russia starts following a foreign policy that isn’t compatible with what the Trump camp wants, they’ll drop them as quickly as they did Europe.
Well I made my case. You admit you don’t follow American news closely, and much of your opinion is based on your own speculation.
While one ex-KGB agent recently revealed Trump’s code name, numerous Russians have described a long pattern of manipulation of Trump, starting with his well-documented trip to Russia in 1987.
You keep insisting that your perspective that there is little Russian influence on Trump and others in his administration is simply contradicted by actual facts.
Google-Fu is an American idiom for being proficient with Google searches (derived from Kung Fu).
As for being condescending, as an American whose name will probably appear on the MAGANazi detainment lists at some point, I don’t have any patience for people who are downplaying Trump’s breath-taking treason, and I won’t apologize for it.