I see everyone wants a bigger protest and movement but the main strategy has been to advertise online and partner with organizers such as the women’s march for their actions.
I think some things need to be considered in order to grow the movement.
Timing, we are alienating working people by scheduling protests in the afternoon of a workday, but it’s not so cut and dry as it does get attention by people browsing social media during their workday which isn’t always as attention grabbing if posted on the weekend for instance.
We can’t just depend upon online advertising. Our ability to print out fliers, post them up in visible high traffic spaces is a strategy worth considering.
Talking to our neighbors and working class communities is a necessity for controlling the narrative. Let’s go door to door and ask people what they feel about the protests. Their input is meaningful and valuable and our responses have the potential to educate, and pull people into the movement. In addition, it’s another way to advertise to real people who may be more mobilized to join once they have seen real people are apart of this. Explain your reasons why you are joining! Make it personal explain why you are afraid and why you feel it’s necessary to get out in the streets or even come to their door.
We need to work with faith based communities like churches, volunteer groups. They are highly organized and can get people into the movement fast. Let’s rely on that existing organizing.
Share the info with our unions at our union meetings, or contact a union near you and ask if they would like to join. Unions are enthusiastic and fiery and are concerned with the attempts to destroy the NLRB. The strategy of pulling in already highly organized people’s needs to be taken seriously
These are just some of the things I think we should consider. This movement is going to require a multi-faceted strategy and I hope we can utilize every tool in our belt on it.
Thanks for considering this and stay strong.
Originally Posted By u/microcrash
At 2025-03-16 09:27:08 AM
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You may not be able to protest, but you can boycott. https://www.goodsuniteus.com/ Check out this website or download it as an app.
Already done!