So this was paid for and published by Commintern, The Communist International, also known as the Third International which operated from 1919 to 1943. This was published in the 1930s while Joseph Stalin was in charge.
The fact that some people would post this unironically when the person who sent this message was notorious for the iron-fucking-curtain is beyond stupid.
Maybe instead of leaning on the message of fascists you could express your concerns in some other way. One that doesn’t degrade yourself in the process. Like making your own comics with your own words.
That’s not the definition of the term, by any ones analysis. The simplest, original definition is that fascism is state and corporate power combined. Like the US has been for half a century.
On the other hand, could you also argue that dismissing something out of hand because the person who made it worked for a publication that aligned itself with a philosophy that was being used by a country that was being led by a bad man, well, kind of stupid too?
Not only are you completely wrong about what fascism is, you are arguing that since the Comintern, an international committee, published a political cartoon, that Stalin personally made and published it single-handedly. This is stupid, there is no way that Stalin could personally run around and do everything the government did in the Soviet Union. That would be a practically superhuman feat.
So this was paid for and published by Commintern, The Communist International, also known as the Third International which operated from 1919 to 1943. This was published in the 1930s while Joseph Stalin was in charge.
The fact that some people would post this unironically when the person who sent this message was notorious for the iron-fucking-curtain is beyond stupid.
It’s 2025 today. The messsge is the same but with a different context.
Maybe instead of leaning on the message of fascists you could express your concerns in some other way. One that doesn’t degrade yourself in the process. Like making your own comics with your own words.
The communists werent fascist, they were communist.
I didn’t think I’d need to say that but here we are.
The 1930s USSR was squarely under the rule of Joseph Stalin, a brutal dictator. It was a time of mass starvation and persecution.
Authoritarian is not fascism. It is a component, but communism and fascism are not even close to synonymous.
There was one famine from mismanagement, and Stalin wasn’t a great guy but this shit is really overblown.
The USSR was a fascism because it was a central dictatorship with violent tendencies. The actual definition of the term.
That’s not the definition of the term, by any ones analysis. The simplest, original definition is that fascism is state and corporate power combined. Like the US has been for half a century.
yunxiaoli, you’ve been made a complete fool of.
Didn’t the state own all the corporations in the USSR? How would that not be state and corporate power combined?
On the other hand, could you also argue that dismissing something out of hand because the person who made it worked for a publication that aligned itself with a philosophy that was being used by a country that was being led by a bad man, well, kind of stupid too?
Not only are you completely wrong about what fascism is, you are arguing that since the Comintern, an international committee, published a political cartoon, that Stalin personally made and published it single-handedly. This is stupid, there is no way that Stalin could personally run around and do everything the government did in the Soviet Union. That would be a practically superhuman feat.
And yet he craved central control of everything