Always found the free speech defense weak. Why isn’t calling for the torture and killing of lesser races at least as bad as shouting “fire” in a theater?
Free speech has been litigated many times in the US. What is the most recent prominent court decision you’d like to discuss on the subject? Also, I didn’t hear any of them calling for torturing & killing people in the video. Did you?
So you’re unwilling to do any actual work or put any effort into understanding the current law and how you’d go about changing it if that is what you think should happen? How does complaining about cops acting within the law help you in this case?
Again, what crime has been committed? Did you know that prominent Jewish attorneys have also defended Nazis’ rights to free speech? Can you guess why that might be?
Always found the free speech defense weak. Why isn’t calling for the torture and killing of lesser races at least as bad as shouting “fire” in a theater?
Free speech has been litigated many times in the US. What is the most recent prominent court decision you’d like to discuss on the subject? Also, I didn’t hear any of them calling for torturing & killing people in the video. Did you?
I guess these are the good kind of Nazi who want to love and care for the untermensch.
I’m not making a legal argument in a court but calling for the overthrow of government and civil society sounds like treason to me.
So you’re unwilling to do any actual work or put any effort into understanding the current law and how you’d go about changing it if that is what you think should happen? How does complaining about cops acting within the law help you in this case?
What do you call waving Swastika flags and shouting “Heil Hitler” over there?
Again, what crime has been committed? Did you know that prominent Jewish attorneys have also defended Nazis’ rights to free speech? Can you guess why that might be?