Folks, allowing this budget to pass is the tipping point for the Democratic Party. Democrat politicians in Washington are just as responsible as Trump and his crew are for what’s happening in our country. They are no longer the injured heroes, they are absolutely the veiled traitors.

Democrats hold very few cards for standing up to the GOP in Washington and for standing up for their constituents. They could have played this card and refused to pass the budget. But they folded and showed their hand today.

  • They showed us they are actually helping the GOP.
  • They showed us they are only pretending to disagree with the GOP.
  • They showed us they have no interest in trying to stop what’s happening.
  • Their actions ring clear.

They could stop this damaging budget bill and they simply refuse under the guise of being the sensible party. It’s a sham, we were lied to, they do not have American’s interests in mind.

This is not about rooting for a shutdown, it’s about stopping the GOP from using a looming shutdown to further their deeply partisan and anti-American agenda.

We should be protesting and speaking out against the complicit party we all thought were looking out for America’s democracy. They need to be called out, booed, protested, phoned, and shamed for allowing the GOP a single inch. They should live in shame for lying to the American people about what they stand for.

It’s time to overhaul the Democratic Party top to bottom.

Originally Posted By u/RudyJuliani At 2025-03-14 12:28:05 AM | Source