Loops is a federated alternative to TikTok created by Pixelfed. Once it first came out, users were able to sign up for early access. Confirmation emails weren’t sent right away, but today they announced that emails were being sent out, and registration is now closed.
I got a confirmation email today, attached in the image. I will be loosely documenting my experience, and may (no promises) make a writeup about it.
Go read their ToS/Privacy Pokicy. This should be a PSA not to use it.
Check the replies too.
Oof. I want to cheer this project on as much as anybody, but there’s no two ways around it, those terms have every appearance of being extreme and expansive. Just to copy it here for others to see:
Itch.io has the same thing btw
From the constant launch delays to this ToS, this is how not to launch a new Fediverse project 101 lol
Or any project