npr article:

Seriously guys, we made a mistake thinking old Chuck was gonna pull through. I know this is exhausting, but we need to keep raising hell. he wants to roll over like a limp dick, and lacks any sort of conviction.

  1. Reply to this post and tell him what you really think about opposition cruelty:
  2. Tell your friends and family to do the same
  3. Call your senators and leave a voice message
  4. Tell your friends and family to do the same.

Why is this import? from this post:

What’s in the CR?

  • Cuts to Medicaid, Medicare, and Social Security
  • Provisions that strengthen Trump’s power
  • The largest federal workers’ union opposes this cloture vote and supports a shutdown (which has never happened before).


Originally Posted By u/pause_polymerase At 2025-03-13 07:55:22 PM | Source