This is Atlantic Superstore - which I try to avoid because they’ve seriously raised their prices due to corporate greed.

I do think this is cool but it’s probably to ward off complaints of why the thing is now more than 25% more expensive. It will be interesting to see if they use this as an excuse to jack up other prices for items not under a tariff.

It’s Superstore, so I expect yes.

    1 day ago

    I really don’t want to give Loblaws the benefit of the doubt because they absolutely have not earned it.

    But also, there’s a solid logic in telling people which items are affected and to explain why the prices went up. I want to know what items went up so I can avoid them — I try to check labels but having this is helpful not harmful.

    I’m not going to pretend that Loblaws is doing this to help me, but I’m not going to fight it either.