I’m watching from Germany, often close to tears. You are doing great, hold on. I’ve noticed that people question if it makes sense to be in the streets each week or to better organise one big event. I remember the following, I saw it happen: There is a historic example from 1989 that regularly rallies works! It brought the Berlin wall and the authoritarian regime of the German Democratic Republic down: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monday_demonstrations_in_East_Germany. What the English article doesn’t mention is the amplification from 1200 people on the 4th of September 1989 to more than 100 000 on the 20th of November only in one City (Leipzig) the same year. And though the eastern part of Germany is now the base of ones endorsed by Leon, that year they brought the people of power down. You can admit that the GDR was already weakened. But in the land of the free the structures haven’t fully settled yet. People then gathered peacefully in the streets, week by week chanting: “We are the people”, talking to each other, discussing, building ties. And this happened without social media. They spread the word and knew they would come back the same day, same time the next week. Please hold on, amplify and don’t give up!

Originally Posted By u/Such_Ad_654 At 2025-03-12 07:07:10 AM | Source