This has to stop. I know this subject relates specifically to Texas, but once one Bible Belt State passes something like this, they all do, and it spreads.
Do not be mistaken, this is a step towards active genocide. GOP lawmakers want trans (and later on all LGBTQ+) people to be criminalised. I have 0 doubt that if given the chance, they will happily recreate 1940’s Germany in a very specific way. And once the right to exist as a trans person is removed, it is only a matter of time before they go after everyone else.
We cannot sit by any more. We need to get loud, we need to be assertive. There is no more negotiating. There is no more asking kindly. Now, there is our demands as citizens of the United States.
What will you do when they turn on you? What will you do when they’ve turned your friends/family/neighbours/co-workers into your enemy? What will you do when everything you love is at risk? What will you do?
For proof:
Originally Posted By u/No-Mushroom5154
At 2025-03-11 06:32:55 PM
| Source
You know what we should do? We should force MAGA to explain why this is a good idea, or admit that this is wrong. Every other problem Texas has, which includes the Measles outbreak, and this is the one they want to focus on??? Blast this shit. Get everyone to know this. Criminalizing trans people is exactly what the Nazis did. Do not let them argue that they are not Nazis for supporting shit like this. The holocaust started with trans people before they gone through every other minority.
I don’t know what to say. This is straight up awful. The holocaust first started with trans people, and MAGA wonders why people call them Nazis.