Despite being Ocean away from United States, I watch how things turn in your country. I confess, making conclusions based on news articles and posts in social media is not even close to actually witnessing it in your cities or state. Yet, I can still make some observations.
Donald Trump uses the same tactic Putin regime used to brainwash Russian people. The notes of being exploited, wanting to become respectable again, no matter the consequences, I heard this before. In Russia, it was done using federal TV. In US, it’s done using Truth Social and now Twitter. People are injected with hatred to everything and everyone. That eliminates possibility that people unite together against them (how will they if they think even those they live with can be ‘enemy’?)
Anyone who thinks otherwise is labeled as enemy. It doesn’t matter what words are used, ‘libtard’, ‘leftist’, ‘agent of West’. It all has same idea: dehumanizing others, because facts are not on their side.
The defeatism rhetoric in opposition. Here, I will be very blunt and might be rude. Right now, there is no space for arguments, debates or even accusations of each other. Any finger pointing plays in hand of those who try to destroy your country. Staying silent plays in their hand too. Being soft plays in their hand too. I have witnessed how different Russian opposition leaders argued each other, disapproved each other tactics. The result: opposition had no real leader, and their followers? Those were just group of people who came just to come, and the moment police arrived, they just ran away.
Why am I saying this? I escaped it and witnessed how those who opposed Putin are now hiding or hoping to prevail regime. As if it will get better. You, American people, are stronger than Russians, stronger than me. Your democracy stood longer than Russian did. It is not time to be scared, not time to play waiting game.
If you see the protest planning in your city? Go. If you wanna cancel your subscriptions to hurt Trump’s friends? Do it. Do not kneel to him and his fans.
You can dismiss me if you think otherwise. You still have choice to decide what’s right or wrong. I just don’t want you to leave in country like I did, where you won’t. It s easier to stop issue while it’s small (and trust me, this issue is far from being small now), than facing consequences and try to do damage control.
If you have any questions, I ll try to reply to all of you.
Originally Posted By u/Similar_Employee_164
At 2025-03-11 09:33:06 AM
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I knew it! America was turning into Russia.