Edit: I’m listening to AOC talk about that speech, and she is, of course, one million percent right. Not once did he mention Medicaid. They’re bringing up this other bullshit to distract us. They distracted me. If you upvoted my comment in its original form, you were probably distracted, too. We should be focused on what they’re REALLY doing: Gutting Medicaid.
I listened to his address. He listed off some 19 items where they slashed the so-called “waste, fraud, and abuse.” The first thing was like 22 billion and the next eighteen added up to another 2.5 billion. So all in, they saved 24.5 billion.
Trump’s requested 2018 budget (pre-pandemic, pre-inflation spike) was 4.094 trillion. Adjusted for inflation, it’d be 5.247 trillion today, which means they’ve saved basically nothing.
Well, 0.47% to be more precise. Another way of putting it, if the government was spending $100.00 in 2018, now it’s spending $99.53. And if most people saw a thing that costs $99.53, they’re probably gonna tell you, “That thing’s a hundred bucks.”
Meanwhile, a dozen of the bottom shelf eggs I bought this morning cost me six dollars. Four weeks ago, these were $1.89. My favorite brand isn’t even available anymore. Also, the store limits you to two cartons at a time. They do sell packages up to five dozen, though. Those cost $42. And yes, that is a worse deal. Much worse. But if you need 60 eggs at once, that’s probably how you’re go about it.
Not to mention the planes falling out of the sky right now. But at least I still have my freedom, I guess?
The fuck is the driving factor of egg prices in the us? It is not just a meme?
Bird flu running rampant with little oversight or control of the problem. Or, it is using that as an excuse to constrict supply and make $$$. Take your pick.
tl;dr: price gouging sparked by bird flu. Shame their ticker isn’t $SCAM
You’re also assuming he was truthing about the savings amount. He wasn’t. lol
Rep. David Schweikert gave a speech on the floor in the beginning of february regarding the federal debt. He pointed out that 52 billion in spending cuts only covers about a week of the borrowing we’re planning to do for the budget.
All these cuts to critical infrastructure and we’re only shaving off the very tip of our federal debt, while adding a mountain more of it.
Remember - these people heard him say “they’re eating the cats and the dogs” and was like “hmm yes, he’s sound of mind”
My transgender friend calls testosterone his gender fluid and it cracks me up every time.
So can someone explain this to me? Because I understand the explanation that the experiments were with transgenic mice, and obviously Trump is dumb enough to not know the difference, but then they’ve got this explanation on whitehouse.gov:
I have to swallow down my vomit after reading an official government website use the phrase “fake news losers”, but then it seems to be quoting actual studies and includes things like:
“A Mouse Model to Test the Effects of Gender-affirming Hormone Therapy on HIV Vaccine-induced Immune Responses”
Gender-Affirming Testosterone Therapy on Breast Cancer Risk and Treatment Outcomes
Those sound like perfectly valid and worthwhile experiments to me, but they do technically involve mice being given gender-affirming hormones, or as an idiot would say, “transgender mice”.
I just want to be accurate with my criticisms, and I’m not sure the transgenic = transgender explanation is enough.
Gender-affirming care/medication more commonly given to cis people than it is given to trans people. Mostly because the trans* population is in reality very small, it just feels like there is more trans people than there really is because they are hated on so much and so loudly. The biggest problem that that most people don’t recognize cis gender affirming care as “gender affirming”, because the term is applied to heavily to trans* healthcare and not at all used for cis healthcare unless you are in a scientific setting. These types of experiments named here are in reality run for cis people, not trans, because hormones can effect so many things and its not very widely studied how they interact with many medications, like HIV medications.
Hormone therapy is used for a variety of reasons that are not necessarily gender dysphoria. Hormones have a HUGE effect on all aspects of your body and cis or trans* a hormone imbalance can be horrible.
Lots of cismen take testosterone as they get older because as they age their body does not generate as much as it did when they were younger. Insufficient levels of testosterone in men may lead to abnormalities including frailty, accumulation of adipose fat tissue within the body, anxiety and depression, sexual performance issues, and bone loss.
Conversely lots of ciswomen will take estrogen and progesterone to counter the effects of menopause, when their bodies start to produce less hormones. Lack of estrogen for women can lead to many of the menopause symptoms such as irritability, brain fog, hair loss, joint pain, weight gain, bone loss, hot flashes and cold sweats.
Many cancers are also hormone fed, most common would be hormone positive breast cancer. AFAB Breast cancer survivors cannot take estrogen or progesterone hormone therapy like most cis women can because it increases the chances of it feeding the tumor. Testing if they can take testosterone is still very new in the research process, considering they didn’t start doing ANY hormone therapy research until after the turn of the century.
Other examples of cis gender affirming care is hair plugs, breast implants, breast reconstruction after mastectomy, any type of genital reconstruction, gynecomastia treatment for cismen, and so on…
TL:DR These experiments are for cis medical care, not trans. The only reason they were targeted is because of the phase"trans" and the phase “gender affirming”.
Gender affirming care isn’t just trans.
Remember when Angelina Jolie got her precancerous boobs whacked off to prevent cancer, then new cancer free ones installed? That back part was GAC.
Viagra, steroids, laser hair removal, gynecomastia removal, testicular implants, hell, even most HRT goes to cis people. All GAC. A long wig for a female cancer patient. Reconstruction surgery for a guy who gets his junk mauled by a pitbull.
Most puberty blockers go to cis children too btw, and have for decades.
This article is a good breakdown.
https://www.wcpo.com/transgender-mice-fact-check-trump-2025The transgenic mice thing is for one of the several studies listed which I think we’re justified in highlighting and poking fun of their lack of QA and reading comprehension in these releases since they’re supposed to be representing the US and acting like drunken college students doing their homework the night before it’s due.
The other studies are on the affects of HRT or “gender-affirming therapy” which is used by cis people all the time. Ever heard of a cis man going to get testosterone because he’s concerned about his low T? That’s gender affirming therapy. Most cis people don’t realize how much “trans healthcare” affects them too. Some of this research is specifically on “cross sex” hormones and is probably more directly applicable to the trans community, but it also likely has broader implications on the science of hormones and side effects for everyone regardless of if they’re cis or trans. This is one of several reasons why we say trans rights are human rights.
The rest of the world is laughing at us.
As they should be. Only 1/3 of us tried to stop putting the biggest fucking clown in charge again, knowing how awful he was and was planning on being. The rest either gladly voted for it or could t be bothered to care
The US is officially a joke and a failing nation. Even if we somehow managed to get someone like Bernie in in 2028, I don’t see our country ever coming back from this. We were already on our way out, but now we’re going to become a pariah state.
You are 100% right.
Have been for a while, but this administration is the point where you’ve crossed the line so many times it’s not funny, just horrifying
Europe and Asia will gladly absorb the brain drain from the US in the coming years.
What’s the truth of this btw?
They were not “making the mice transgender”.
From the Whitehouse’s 6 evil studies list:
Three of them were studying the long-term effects of gender-affirming hormone therapy on the growth of the skeleton, how it affects fertility, and if it changes your breast cancer risk. These are all things that people who are against transgender care use as reasons to stop transgender care. So they were potentially a way for the government to say “no” to this kind of hormone therapy and have some scientific backing for why. (Note: the results of these studies weren’t going the way anti-trans numpties would have liked. I’m sure that has nothing to do with it though.)
One is studying (as best I can determine) how GA therapy works, I guess because we don’t really fully understand it. This one used “transgenic” mice (scary!) to help isolate the processes. That means they were genetically modified.
There was a very scary one about how such hormone therapy affects the effectiveness of the HIV vaccine. (They made sure to list this one first with its homophobantitransantivax trifecta).
One study they claimed in their list was actually just a comparison of asthma between men and women (nothing about transgender, but it mentioned “gonadal hormones” which is like, so gross).
Edit to add: This one also accounts for over 1/3 of their claimed savings and is only tangentially related to transgender women because of the estrogen they take. It was mainly focused on laying a basis for future therapies for everyone with lung disease.A bunch of the info came from here: https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2025/03/white-house-scared-of-trans-mouse/
I also read through the abstracts from the studies listed and linked in the Whitehouse press release.
and is only tangentially related to transgender women because of the estrogen they take
Good point, estrogen is related to trans women. We should ban estrogen and force everyone to take antiestrogens, so nobody can be a trans woman. Also, vaginas. We should make vaginas illegal.
But what if they did??? I wouldn’t be such an idiot then, eh? So the only difference is that it was not real? Well so much for the tolerance of the so-called ‘frogs gay-makers’.