The GOP’s approach to politics often suggests they believe Americans won’t notice contradictions, hypocrisy, or outright deception. Here are some glaring examples:

1. Pretending to Care About the Deficit

  • When a Democrat is in office, they scream about the national debt and demand spending cuts.
  • When a Republican is in office, they pass massive tax cuts for the wealthy (2017 Trump tax cuts) and increase military spending, ballooning the deficit.
  • They assume people won’t notice that their “fiscal responsibility” is selective.

2. Fear-Mongering About Non-Issues

  • Convincing voters that gas stoves are being “banned” or that the government is coming for their hamburgers.
  • Promoting “woke” panic—like saying M&Ms are too liberal or that Bud Light is part of a leftist takeover.
  • They assume voters are too distracted by cultural nonsense to notice their lack of real policy solutions.

3. Attacking “Elites” While Serving Billionaires

  • They rail against “coastal elites” while taking money from the ultra-rich and passing policies that benefit corporations over working-class people.
  • They frame themselves as fighters for the “common man” while gutting social programs, opposing minimum wage increases, and crushing unions.

4. Rewriting History

  • Claiming they are the “Party of Lincoln” while enabling white nationalist rhetoric and attacking voting rights.
  • Insisting that January 6th was just “tourism” or “peaceful protesting” despite the violent attack on the Capitol.
  • Assuming people won’t compare their past statements with reality.

5. Touting “Freedom” While Passing Authoritarian Laws

  • Banning books and censoring classroom discussions about race and history.
  • Pushing for government control over women’s reproductive rights while claiming to be against “big government.”
  • Trying to control who can marry whom while claiming to be for “individual liberty.”

6. Pretending Climate Change Isn’t Real

  • Saying climate change is a hoax while their own states suffer from wildfires, hurricanes, and extreme droughts.
  • Attacking green energy while Texas’ power grid fails under extreme weather.
  • Assuming people won’t connect the dots between extreme weather and policy choices.

7. Ignoring Their Own Voter Base’s Needs

  • Telling rural voters they care about them while cutting farm subsidies, healthcare, and infrastructure funding.
  • Keeping wages low while pretending tax cuts for billionaires will “trickle down.”
  • Assuming people won’t notice their policies hurt the very people who vote for them.

The pattern is clear: distraction, deception, and deflection. They rely on misinformation and emotional manipulation rather than real solutions, hoping people won’t look too closely.

Originally Posted By u/Hikeretired At 2025-03-10 12:31:22 PM | Source