Hey everyone.

I thought I’d make a post for anyone to comment on with suggestions they’d like to see in this community. Seeing as it’s starting to get quite a bit more active, and now that we have several mods, we should probably make it more professional looking, with a proper sidebar and maybe some other features you might have seen in another community that you liked.

If anyone has seen ideas they’d like to see here, feel free to suggest them in the comments on this post and myself and the other mods can possibly implement them. I’ll leave this post pinned so it’s easy to access, in case you read this and have an idea later on.

  • Victor Villas@lemmy.ca
    4 days ago

    I like the idea of a Wiki. There are several things I’d like to easily search like what is made locally, which companies have a poor track record in worker rights and so on. Would be nice to start getting this information organized and crowdsourced.