This is misinformation. They added the login requirement for their Generative AI and the actual notepad doesn’t require a login. But I guess we’re ragebaiting today.
The title is quite sensational compared to the content. They only added an AI Rewrite feature for notepad that requires a Microsoft 365 subscription. Considering the cost of AI, and the fact that it will very probably run in the cloud, it is very reasonable that it isn’t free. Everything else about notepad remains free / included with the price you paid for the OS.
I agree, but the idea of adding AI to notepad is quite insane in its own right
End of conversation.
I think that’s the start of the conversation. Which Desktop Environment?
want to show off? i3wm with gaps and rofi for menu launcher. Add it some transparency effects too.
want the MacOS style? Gnome. Default on a lot of distros.
want something stable? XFCE. Install and forget.
Things preventing me from moving to Linux : video games and Adobe Lightroom.
Most video games work through proton on Steam. Lightroom has a web app you can use instead.
Lightroom mobile and web are not at the level of Lightroom Classic. It’s highly subjective but I enjoy the web version for quickly editing a few pictures, but for the management of my library which contains more than 20k pictures, no app is as good as Lightroom Classic. I tried a few ones and always went back…
I don’t think it’s ragebait/clickbait. I think it’s really problematic that just a simple text editor get this bad by enshittification.
But it is though, it’s for a feature that you don’t need and can just turn off and never see again…
I think you got used to used to it, if you would use Linux for 15 years (like me), then going back to Windows really shows all these problems of Microsoft.
The biggest problem here that you get this pop-up in the first place… And I’m pretty sure it’s not only Notepad, all Microsoft products (including Windows) is getting worse and worse due to enshittification.
I use notepad++ like most sensible people so I didn’t even know this was a thing until I read this article and even then, you have to click the button to get the pop up. It definitely should be opt in and not just sitting there, but if you’re just trying to write a quick note it’s not just popping up and stopping you.
Microsoft what the fuck are you doing.
You fucking idiot’s.
It should be noted that you can still use Notepad without a Microsoft account
Despite the ability to still use the software without an account
Are we not doing context anymore?
What is this? Just outrage for the sake of outrage?
Don’t take this the wrong way, but it’s hard for me to contain my incredulity: have you been asleep for the last decade? Has a very obvious pattern of enshitification not been constantly proven as a rule on the tech sector? And an article is… outrage?
Not the article, I meant the comment section