I can feel the hot magma of Americans Anger seeping to the top of this political volcano. I feel the pressure of this anger pushing to the surface and I don’t think this anger can be contained once it erupts. The lava of anger will spew forth burn down everything it touches. We are in this bottle necking phase right now, when it breaks free it will be “good tv”
Originally commented by u/BridgertonSassenach on2025-03-0611:51:04 AM (mgctj4o)
I can feel the hot magma of Americans Anger seeping to the top of this political volcano. I feel the pressure of this anger pushing to the surface and I don’t think this anger can be contained once it erupts. The lava of anger will spew forth burn down everything it touches. We are in this bottle necking phase right now, when it breaks free it will be “good tv”
Originally commented by u/BridgertonSassenach on 2025-03-06 11:51:04 AM