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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: September 24th, 2024


  • I agree completely with the cash out scenarios listed. In the end it’s all money and power, only the means and details change.

    If you’re asking the lay republican, you’re going to get the propaganda. It’s going to be that we’ve given all these people free rides too long. Money, Military Support and Health support and things are too bad here, we need all that money here to help our own people stuff the billionaires pockets.

    Realistically, they are trying to A: stuff their own pockets and buy up everything they can. B: force us into an unopposable dictatorship Krasnov is owned. You remember right when he got into office, we saw some russian warplanes toying with us, that was his keeper pulling his strings. We’re owned at the moment and the one that owns us is making sure the oligarchs get enough keys to satisfy A and B.

  • The opposite of self-hosted would be managed service.

    You run it yourself at your own location however you want it


    Someone runs it for you at their location. However the want it

    VPS is someone loans you a VM at their location that you run yourself however you want to.

    It’s still relevant to self-hosted because you still have to do all the work, you were just using their network, power, air conditioning, hardware and fire suppression. You’re still in the hook for installs and patches, configuration, and software issues.

  • IMHO, It’s the algorithm that’s the real devil.

    For a long time, it was us against the bots and the companies. But we no longer know what’s being given to us because it matches versus what’s being given to us because they’re paying for it to be seen.

    The danger is the algorithm gives us a steady stream of what we appear to want. It’s serotonin. Then it’s weaponized. There’s no appreciable difference between the ads, the propaganda, the creators honest content and the creators paid content. We’re getting echo chambers of what we want and paid advertisements to sure that up.

    People see it on Facebook and TikTok and just take it as read that what’s being presented is truth. Even the ones that are savvy to bias end up getting swept along with the tide.

    The only way to stop this is to demand disinformation and fact-checking. But instead of that, everyone seems to be hell-bent on knocking out private conversation where we might be able to communicate and are being forced to rely solely on whatever the algorithm allows us.

  • I’m really not happy about bluesky their fragmentation of the fediverse protocols

    shrug, I wish they were with us, but they are also a big ole corporate entity, so I’m kind ok with us staying our our side of the fence. As they need to implement payment and corporate protections to their network, we’re free to be free over here.

    is only going to harm us in the long run.

    We don’t have to play ball. not with them anyway,

    I think, If we have any credible threat, it’s going to be from the Governmental gross anti-tampering laws, forced moderation, or backup regulations. They could make it legally difficulty for us to exist.

  • Do you really think Lemmy could handle the amount of people that Reddit has?

    yup. no question. Not one instance mind you, but Reddit is also a giant cluster. (and clusterfuck)

    As far as I know the existing instances are usually running on capacity and always in need of donations,

    We just need the big bois to stop stuffing themselves. There’s 0 reason to have 2/3 of the totally traffic flooding into world because people are scared of Federation that they never even have to deal with.

    Maybe Lemmy would benefit of some way to get people to pay, such as purchasing the ability to give people awards etc.

    Maybe we make some premium pay servers with baller architecture, killer response time, user capacity limits and high speed storage?

    But the point is that without a business model, the Fediverse will only be able to handle a limited number of enthusiasts before it faces scaling problems.

    Eventually, it’s going to be ads, donations or payments. It’s all someone else’s computer, someone has to foot the bill. But at great scale, you should be able to have an ad-free experience for something in the range a dollar or two a month.