The scary thing is that it is hard to put the lid back on the bottle. If you try to tell them the facts they will see it as just more government brain washing.
I don’t really have much of an answer
The scary thing is that it is hard to put the lid back on the bottle. If you try to tell them the facts they will see it as just more government brain washing.
I don’t really have much of an answer
I think the problem is fear. Parents are genuinely scared of vaccines because of the misinformation that’s been spread around.
That’s a totally different angle and I hate it. You need to be a special kind of jerk to post someone else’s picture in a spam message.
I don’t think there is a million people here
Srv guys
It was me all along
I’m a hot Toronto girl who just wants your money.
Get a old workstation and install Linux Mint. From there look into learning how Linux containers work.
Japan is woke
You should see the 19 and 20 year olds. 26 is older in comparison.
You are totally missing the point. OpenWRT doesn’t have a dual partition layout. If you bork the system do to a power loss or bad image you need a rescue cable or drive. I use a lot of OpenWRT but that is something to keep in mind.
They are just making a living.
In fact, there customers were stealing from them previously.
The hardware is built to have good compatibly with OpenWRT. That doesn’t mean it has the same brick resistance as something like OPNsense.
Yeah I can’t read non American so that’s a instant no for me
Keep in mind that OpenWRT isn’t really optimized for particular hardware. It is designed to run on anything which means it doesn’t have a lot of recovery options for bad updates and configurations. It isn’t terrible but if you interrupt power during a flash you can bork the system.
I like how they are absolutely terrified of anything remotely related to “gay” or “diversity”
Proxmox does clustering and should have most of the same features. While you are welcome to run whatever you want I think vSphere is getting a bit pricey.
Why do you need vSphere for self hosting?
You can run it in a container
Just don’t expose it to the public internet.
IDK something something America
Doing the good fight