The people need to save this country. Yes that means you and me actually going outside. We need to stop expecting systemic change to come from politicians within a two-party system.
I’m mostly half-serious.
The people need to save this country. Yes that means you and me actually going outside. We need to stop expecting systemic change to come from politicians within a two-party system.
I’ll vote for a Bernie AOC ticket if it ever materializes but I won’t hold my breath. You people keep expecting politicians to save you when we need to be taking a note from the French. Grassroots organization: labor strikes, boycotts, civil disobedience. It’s the only thing these leeches understand.
Agreed, but my point is that neither are allowed on Lemmy. People asking for Biden to step down were downvoted. Memes about Biden’s age were definitely downvoted. Anything that even sounds like criticism of the left is not tolerated.
We can all see that this shit need radical change but every four years we’re supposed to vote for the lesser of two evils. As though this system has a chance of self-correcting from within. A year from now, we’ll be back to complaining about the same issues. I’m probably as progressive as most of the users on this site, but seeing all this pro-establishment shit makes me feel like I’m taking crazy pills.
This is the same logic we were fed when a minority of us were calling for Biden to step down and we were told that there was not enough time for anyone except Biden because, checks notes, fate of democracy. All I’m hearing from this comment is shut up and get in line.
Clearly Bernie Sanders is a positive force for actual left-wing policies. But the criticism (that you all so readily downvote) is that Bernie will redirect frustrated Americans to continue to vote for Democrats. While we can’t be sure that this will happen again, it sure has happened in the past.
We cannot expect politicians to save us, because they invariable work within a system that is incapable of significant positive changes. Both parties take donations from billionaires, both parties play in the stock market, both parties give corporate welfare, and both parties will fight tooth and nail to maintain the two-party system.
The real way forward is bottom-up, not top-down. The American people need to save America: grassroots organizing, mass protests, labor strikes, boycotts, and civil disobedience. If we don’t actually go outside, things will only continue to deteriorate.