If you run the citizenship cycle every 13 years, and you get paid 5 million every time, that’s still about 32 k$ per month, which is not bad. It takes a very long time, but it should be worth it.
If you run the citizenship cycle every 13 years, and you get paid 5 million every time, that’s still about 32 k$ per month, which is not bad. It takes a very long time, but it should be worth it.
How long does it take to become a US citizen? That determines how often you can sell your citizenship and restart the process. Imagine getting 5 million every year or two.
LOL, you got me! The chocolate thing is pretty much satire. Totally forgot about the fake cheese though. That would have been even better. I don’t know if anyone actually eats chocolate or cheese to cure homesickness. I suppose some of the other products might be more appropriate. People can have memories attached to all sorts of weird things, so I guess technically any food could be applicable.
However, the thing about prices is entirely factual, at least in my area. Everything in there is so expensive, that you would have to be really curious or desperate to try them out.
When you get homesick and want to eat some American chocolate or whatever, you won’t find it just anywhere. You’ll have to go a special American store for that. You know, like one of those Asian markets, but for American stuff. Everything in there is also really expensive, so don’t expect to visit every day.
Speaking of corruption, there are places where you don’t call the cops under any circumstances. If you somehow end up talking to cops for any reason, you can expect to loose a lot of money.
The police officer could request a bribe or threaten with fake fines. There could also be harassment, abuse of power and even violence. The police forces can actually form a sort of government-owned mafia, where lower-ranking officers are expected to collect bribes and pass them up the chain of command.
Thanks. Mystery solved.
About that family thing. If anyone ever tells you that “we are family” it means you can call them for help when you’re moving. If you have trouble configuring your router, call your new family for help. If you need to drill a hole in a concrete wall, but you do don’t have the right drill bits or other tools, call your new family.
If your boss doesn’t want to come over to drill some holes in a concrete wall on a Saturday afternoon, they’re not really family, and they can’t expect you to act like family either.
That’s the first explanation I was able to find, and I still don’t know what everyone here is talking about. Why do Americans love to use so many acronyms for anything and everything?
Ages ago, when Chrome was still a new kid on the block, I read an article about it. Turns out, this browser is spying on you so hard that it made me, nope out immediately. Somehow, people missed that article, and others like it, and pretty much everyone started using Chrome on their computer (see also: pro-mobile era).