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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: February 18th, 2024


  • I understood your intent but mixing it with absurd statements is not something I agree with. Using taliban as a “sect” is simply rubbish. I know how disgustingly violent and misogynist they are. You are simply arguing bad faith if you talk as if taliban is a “sect” that Anyone outside Afghanistan can follow. It’s a terror regime, not a sect.

    I noticed this a lot. When speaking for muslims, people always add these dehumanising disclaimers. No one talks about israeli oppression or bizarre jewish laws when speaking up against anti-sematism. Same goes for topics like hate against indians abroad. No one adds a disclaimer except when it’s about muslims. “Hey, they have the right to live. Even though they are probably bombers, don’t harm them!” Tired of this bs

    NYT the same guys that posted about 40 beheaded babies? Sure I’ll believe it. You simply have no knowledge regarding this topic. I’m blocking you.

  • You really can’t read or comprehend huh. IntereInteresting individual.

    So if they are Islamophobic, take it up with them.

    They are not. You are. I read the links you gave and none of them provide any “sect” or blame any specific person or group. Do you understand english? No one justifies this. I’m not saying there aren’t horrendous people that do but not anyone that does it based on a pronciple, book, etc.

    So you claim some jews to be baby killers because some extremist was boasting about it in an US university? It’s an absurd statement just like this. Stop making up narratives from an example. I asked a source not an acid victim example.

    if they reject things like being trafficked or having premarital sex with them, because that’s what those women are supposed to do within tbe religion

    Fk off islamophobe